The foundation of EUSEM: interview with Herman Delooze

This is the first video in a serie of interviews with EUSEM past presidents to celebrate 25 years of EUSEM. This video sets out in a very short but moving way how EUSEM came into existence. You feel the charisma of Herman Delooze. It is a wonderful video.


The foundation of European National Societies in Emergency Medicine

Although Emergency Medicine is a relatively young specialty, this has not discouraged the establishment of National Emergency Medicine Scientific Societies across Europe.  This development illustrates the energy of the specialty and the conviction of its professionals, by creating these structures, to facilitate education and to support the practicing professionals thereby empowering the specialty.

EUSEM is honoured to represent 35 European Countries, each with different backgrounds and trajectories, through closely working with the individual national societies. To demonstrate the dynamism in emergency medicine, the founding date of the national societies as well as their logos and their web links are shown on our national societies dedicated page.

EUSEM is celebrating 25 years of Emergency Medicine and invites the National Societies to participate in this celebration.


3rd South-East European Emergency and Disaster Medicine Congress (SEEEDMC3)

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that the Hellenic Society for Emergency Medicine invites you to the 3rd South East European Emergency and Disaster Medicine Congress (SEEEDMC) in beautiful Thessaloniki, one of the most historical and important cities of the region, on 28-31 May 2020.

The institution of SEEEDMC started from an idea that was first discussed in Athens in 2017 during the 11th European Congress on Emergency Medicine, among colleagues from countries of South-east Europe. The result of the discussion was the courageous decision of the Serbian Society to organize the 1st SEEEDMC in beautiful Belgrade in 2018, which was a great success. In 2019, the 2nd SEEEDMC was held at the metropolis of Istanbul, jointly and successfully organized by the two Turkish Societies (EMAT and EPAT).

During these two Congresses, which both became a reality under the wings of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM), colleagues from all our neighboring countries were brought together, shared their experiences, challenges and visions and realized how close we really are. New collaborations on training, organizational issues and research were born and we all danced together with traditional tunes of the region on a boat in the Bosporus.

This year, the Hellenic Society for Emergency Medicine (HeSEM), together with the National Societies of Albania, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey (EMAT and EPAT) and with the invaluable support of EuSEM, is organizing the 3rd SEEEDMC in parallel with our 5th national Congress in Thessaloniki, a true crossroad of the region, hoping to continue the successful route of the institution, deepen our relations further and move on to the future together.

The chair of the Organizing Committee
Vassilis Grosomanides

The chair of the Scientific Committee
Nikolas Sbyrakis

The President of HeSEM
Panos Aggouridakis