Next ONLINE Examiners Workshop - 03 April 2025
Application periode |
Workshop date |
open until 15 March 2025 |
Thursday 03 April 2025 - Online |
More details on "How to apply", below.
About the Workshop
During this full day of remote training, Emergency Medicine specialists are given the opportunity to develop and improve their skills as examiners for the European Board Examination for Emergency Medicine. It is also a unique opportunity to take on new roles, progress in your career and develop a European network of peers.
Format and Structure :
- 1 full day remote training
- Interactive training with demos, discussion and group work
- Personalised feedback on the assigned preparatory work (see below)
- Limited number of participants to facilitate discussion and interaction
Participants will learn about:
- The principles of assessment and adult learning
- What makes a good MCQ? From curriculum mapping, to selecting and writing questions
- Review of the clinical tools used
- Practice of Structure Oral Examination (SOE)
Preparatory work:
- Before the workshop, participants will be asked to submit an assignment consisting of MCQs or an examination scenario
Administrative Fee:
- €100 (non-refundable)
The EBEEM exam in short
The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) is a two-part examination designed to confirm the candidate’s suitability for independent practice as an Emergency Physician within any country in the European Union.
The EBEEM is a two-parts exam, Part A is a multiple-choice exam, and Part B is an oral exam (SOE).
More info about EBEEM exam on the main page
How to Apply and Become an Examiner?
- Be a EUSEM member
- To participate in an examiner workshop you will need :
- a personal statement indicating your current responsibilities for training, education and assessment of others including instructor status, and evidence of examining elsewhere
- a letter of support from clinical director/head of department permitting activity for examination and training, and confirming that you currently practice in Europe
- evidence of recent Continuous Professional Development (CPD) (courses attended, lectures given, etc.)
- a certificate of specialisation in EM and/or your registration number from the national register
- a copy of your FEBEM or EBCEM certificate
- the signed EBEEM Examiner Responsibilities Agreement (click to download)
Who should apply ?
Essential criteria:
- Must be in active practice in Emergency Medicine (including paediatrics) as a specialist / consultant in Europe, full time for the last 3 years
- Must be doctors recognised as specialist/consultant or equivalent in Emergency Medicine in the country where they trained, or the European country in which they work
- Must have evidence of up to date continuing professional development in the last three years
- Must be able to demonstrate competence and credibility in assessing the performance of trainees including evidence in, and experience of, competency-based assessment
- Must have support from their head of department to undertake the examination work (minimum of four days each year)
- Must be fluent in written and spoken English
- Must be a Member in good standing of EUSEM
Desirable criteria:
- Has completed a training programme in Emergency Medicine, including paediatrics
- Has completed a postgraduate qualification related to Emergency Medicine and have the FEBEM or EBCEM qualification
- Can provide evidence of teaching and training junior doctors in Emergency Medicine, including paediatrics
- The form and evidence will be reviewed by the EBEEM exam board, the Emergency Medicine Examinations Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE), and proposed to the UEMS Section for Emergency Medicine for endorsement
Examiners play a crucial role in determining the appropriate standard for the examination and setting the pass mark at the right level.
Examiners must therefore be active in Emergency Medicine in Europe and also understand the purpose of the EBEEM, be familiar with the assessment tools and have training in the application of those tools to the required standard.
Examiners are responsible for:
- Producing educational content
- writing 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) per year for the Part A Exam
OR designing 1 clinical station for the Part B Exam per year
- Taking part in the preparation of the EBEEM exam (preparatory meetings and rehearsals)
- Actively participating in the EBEEM exams, first as observer then as examiner (minimum of 4 days over 2 years/4 diets)
- Teaching on future Examiner Training workshops