1. Become closely involved in the development of the specialty of Emergency Medicine in Europe
2. Become part of the well established EUSEM network, stay informed and get the chance to be in contact with specialists from all over the world
3. Discounts on registration fees at EUSEM congresses and other events proposed by EUSEM
4. Reduced fees for participation in EUSEM training courses
5. Reduced fees when you apply for EBEEM (European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine)
6. Free access to EUSEM Academy, EUSEM's e-learning platform
7. Free access to selected posters and presentations, available after the live congress
8. Annual online subscription to the European Journal of Emergency Medicine, depending on the chosen membership
9. Participation in EUSEM scientific activities, including the Research Network and positions in Sections and Working groups
10. Get the opportunity to participate in the Fellowship programme
The individual members of EUSEM’ s National Society Members are invited to join EUSEM as ‘affiliate member’ free of charge. By giving consent to your society to share your data with EUSEM, you can benefit from this membership type. A great benefit is that you receive specific news about EM developments and you will also receive a discount to the EUSEM Congress. Read more

Please note that these are annual fees.
Apply for membership!
For details on eligibility for EUSEM Fellowship, please click here.
¹ Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia (FYR), Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine
Please note that ‘currency-restricted country’ refers to the country in which you are currently working and not to your country of origin.
Please note:
- Your membership begins on the day of your first payment and ends one year later.
- You may cancel your membership at any time by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Fees already received will not be refunded. We therefore recommend that you take advantage of your membership benefits until the end of your membership year. As long as no cancellation notice has been received, you will continue to be considered a member of EUSEM.
- A reminder to pay your next year’s membership fee will be sent to you well in advance of the end of the current membership year.
Becoming a Fellow of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (FESEM)
In 2010, a new category of membership of the European Society for Emergency Medicine was introduced, namely ‘Fellowship of the European Society for Emergency Medicine’. This new category of ‘Fellowship’ is in keeping with the practice of other medical Colleges and Societies worldwide and is intended to recognise those long standing full members of EUSEM who have made substantial contributions of distinction to the Society and to the community of European Emergency Medicine. (Associate members are not eligible)
Prospective Fellows will be entitled to apply for election after no less than five (5) years of continuous Membership. Candidates for Fellowship will be expected to demonstrate their substantial contributions to European emergency medicine (such activities may include national EM development in Europe; development of teaching or research in their country or Europe-wide; significant contributions to European EM work such as curriculum development; or significant and sustained contributions to the European Journal of Emergency Medicine).
All applications for Fellowship will be assessed by the Fellowship Committee. Applicants who are not successful in their application will be permitted to re-apply not less than two years after their previous application.
Fellows will be entitled to
- Use the post-nominal letters FESEM
- Have their names listed on the EUSEM website as Fellows
- Eligible for (an encouragement to lead and participate in) sections and working groups and committees
Applicants who are successfully elected to the Fellowship will be expected to continue to pay their appropriate annual subscription.
To apply for Fellowship of EUSEM, please fill in the application form that you can find here, and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Honorary Fellowship of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (Hon FESEM)
In 2010, a new category of membership of the European Society for Emergency Medicine was introduced, namely ‘Fellowship of the European Society for Emergency Medicine’. In line with this, the current category of ‘Honorary Membership’ will be replaced with the category of ‘Honorary Fellowship of the European Society for Emergency Medicine’ in keeping with the practice of other medical Colleges and Societies worldwide.
The purpose of the Honorary Fellowship is to recognise a significant and sustained contribution to the development of EUSEM.
Honorary Fellows will be intitled to:
- Use the post-nominal letters HonFESEM
- Have their names listed on the EUSEM website as Honorary Fellows
- No membership fee for EUSEM for life
- Free registration for the EUSEM Congress in the year of the Honorary Fellowship award
- Have a reduced rate for EUSEM Congress registration, namely the standard EUSEM member discount
New Honorary Fellows shall receive a Certificate of Honorary Fellowship of EUSEM signed by the President and Secretary of EUSEM at the following Annual General Meeting.
Current Fellows of EUSEM |
Country |
Since |
Dr Luc Mortelmans |
Belgium |
October 2011 |
Professor Joseph Osterwalder |
Switzerland |
February 2013 |
Dr Thomas Fleischmann |
Germany |
October 2013 |
Dr Christian Hohenstein |
Germany |
July 2013 |
Professor Diana Cimpoesu |
Romania |
May 2014 |
Professor Riccardo Pini |
Italy |
September 2018 |
Dr Jana Seblova |
Czech Republic |
September 2018 |
Professor Ives Hubloue |
Belgium |
October 2019 |
Assoc. Prof. Lars Petter Bjoernsen |
Norway |
October 2019 |
Professor Mikkel Brabrand |
Denmark |
October 2019 |
Dr Mohammed Ashraf Butt |
Ireland |
October 2022 |
Dr Senad Tabakovic |
Switzerland |
September 2023 |
Current Honorary Fellows of EUSEM |
Country |
Since |
Professor Herman Delooz |
Belgium |
February 2005 |
Professor David Yates |
United Kingdom |
October 2006 |
Dr David Williams |
United Kingdom |
September 2008 |
Professor Juliusz Jakubaszko |
Poland |
October 2010 |
Professor Helen Askitopoulou |
Greece |
October 2010 |
Dr Gautam Bodiwala |
United Kingdom |
October 2011 |
Professor Patrick Plunkett |
Ireland |
October 2012 |
Professor Gunnar Ohlen |
Sweden |
October 2014 |
Dr Keith Little |
United Kingdom |
September 2017 |
Professor Marc Sabbe |
Belgium |
September 2017 |
Professor Wolfgang Dick |
Germany |
September 2018 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr Barbara Hogan |
Germany |
September 2018 |
Professor Abdelouahab Bellou |
France |
September 2018 |
Professor Francesco Della Corte |
Italy |
October 2019 |
Dr Roberta Petrino |
Italy |
October 2019 |
Professor Colin Graham |
Hong Kong |
October 2019 |
Dr Luis Garcia Castrillo |
Spain |
October 2022 |
Professor Abdo Khoury |
France |
September 2023 |
Dr Judith Tintinalli |
September 2023 |