PEM Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are commissions created to develop, promote, update all the functions and relations of the Paediatric Section of the EUSEM. All SIGs have a responsible that participates in the Extended Executive Committee. The term of office is the same as for the Chair of the section, and is renewable only once. Members with special interests or competences can be invited by the Executive Committee to join or lead a SIG.

Special Interest Group – Curriculum Development

Responsible dr. Ruud Nijman, UK

The group is founded to develop, maintain and update a series of curricula in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM). The target audience for the curriculum are mainly but not only nations with an emerging PEM work force.

SIG general objectives:

  • Design focused PEM emergency medicine curricula for the spectrum of emergency medicine
  • Design curricula suitable for the specific needs of various cultures, geographical areas and nations.
  • Review and modify standing curricula as required.
  • Prepare an annual report for the annual meeting and dissemination
  • Act as an advisory and consultancy group to member nations seeking consultation on the development of emergency medicine content and specialty training across the educational continuum.

Priorities for 2019-2020:

1. Validation of our European Training Curriculum (ETR) by the UEMS.

The ETR has been approved in November by the UEMS (that’s a very good news!).
2019 European Training Requirements for training in Paediatrics Emergency Medicine 

2. To define auditing of national training centres to ensure ETR complaint

The Curriculum SIG is working on objective #2 by developing an european survey.

Special Interest Group – Education

Responsible: Roberto Velasco

The group is founded to provide educational and teaching material in emergency medicine (EM) clinical areas. The group should evaluate, amend and distribute the existing educational and teaching material (e.g course, workshop) while design and develop new educational opportunities for the EM community (e.g. on-line video, not existing courses).

SIG general objectives:

The special interest group in education will accomplish its purposes in the following manner:

  • Identify educational needs based on assessments from a variety of sources, including different national and CME requirements, board certification requirements, quality measures, test results, activity evaluations, surveys. Particular attention will be made to examine existing content for “high priority” clinical practice modules (i.e. resuscitation, trauma, sedation, etc.).
  • Design, implement, evaluate and revise educational activities that meet identified needs and enhance the pediatric section of the EUSEM position as the primary source for state-of-the-art pediatric emergency medicine education, including:
  • Alternative educational opportunities such as simulation courses for procedural competencies and skills 
  • Mobile and online courses and other activities that incorporate new learning technologies
  • Activities designed to help students, residents, and young physicians during early years of practice
  • Activities on the pediatric emergency medicine core content designed to reinforce cognitive expertise 
  • Try to pursue strategic partnerships with companies and sponsor that may contribute to the objectives of any educational program
  • Explore cost-efficient ways to provide education to international emergency physicians enhancing EUSEM PEM section expertise internationally
  • Work in conjunction with the Disaster Medicine Section of the EUSEM to develop pediatric topics in the existing mass casualty/disaster training
  • Work to include pediatric PSA in the existing PSA pre-course
  • Work in conjunction with the Ultrasound Section of the EUSEM to develop pediatric topics in the existing Ultrasound basic/advanced course.
  • Explore the feasibility of a pediatric trauma course that should be run separately or in conjunction with the advanced pediatric emergency course (APEC).
  • Cooperate with other European pediatric groups and Societies and explore the possibility to provide advanced pediatric emergency training for general pediatricians and nurses.

Priorities for 2019-2020

1. To develop within the EUSEM, for the EUSEM but also for other societies (e.g. the EAP) specific PEM courses: POCUS, Procedural sedation and analgesia, Trauma

2. Future EUSEM congess organization. We will have more pediatric tracks in Copenhagen 2020, and the program should be prepared in advance.


Responsible: Ozlem Teksam

 Priorities for 2019-2020  

1. To continue the development of the facebook and twitter accounts in order to keep PEM members updated; improve the webpage of PEM in the Eusem site.

2. To be creative and answer to other questions raised by the members (e.g. How to involve nurses? How to interest students? And so on…).

Paediatric resources for Ukrainian support

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