EMERGE committee membersEBEEM UEMS

The operational development and implementation of the EBEEM is undertaken by the Emergency Medicine Examination Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE).


Dr Anna Spiteri

Anna is the Chair of EMERGE and a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Training Programme Coordinator at Mater Dei Hospital in Malta.


Dr Ashraf Butt

Ashraf is the Chair of EMERGE and Lead EM Consultant at Cavan & Monaghan Hospitals and Chair of the ACLS Council for Ireland.


Dr Ruth Brown

Ruth is Associate Medical Director for education at Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust.


Dr Cem Oktay

Cem is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Vice-Dean at Akdeniz University School of Medicine in Turkey.


Dr Nikolas Sbyrakis

Nikolas shares his time between emergency departments in Brighton and Greece. He is a BLS, ALS and APLS instructor.


Dr Fazle Alam

Fazle is consultant in Emergency Medicine.

He is Fellow of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (UK), member of Royal College of surgeons (Edinburgh) and Royal College of Physicians (London).


Dr Francesca Innocenti

Francesca is an Emergency Medicine Physician at Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy


Dr Effie Polyzogopoulou

Effie is the Clinical Director of the Emergency Department of Attikon University Hospital of Athens in Greece, member of the Working Group for Emergency Medicine in Greece and Member of EUSEM Ultrasound Section



Dr Muhammad A Sajjad

Consultant Emergency Medicine
MidYorks NHS Trust. UK.
Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Leeds.


Dr Declan Stewart

Declan works in Rostock in northern Germany in the emergency department and prehospital care. He is a Fellow of the Australasian College for Emergecy Medicine, European Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and a Specialist for Internal Medicine.


Dr Dagmar Milicevic

Dr Milicevic is an Emergency Physician at Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus in Essen Germany


Dr Federico Capriles FACP
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
Medical director of the Observation Unit
Member of the EM quality improvement committee
University Hospital Sant Joan de Reus, Tarragona Spain


Dr Abdo Sattout
Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Aintree University Hospital, Liverpool, UK
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer and Emergency Medicine Speciality Lead, School of Medicine, University of Liverpool, UK


Dr Evert Verhoeven is an emergency medicine consultant at the University Hospital of Brussels in Belgium, 
with a special interest in major trauma, ultrasound and disaster medicine.


Dr Nicolas Goffinet

Consultant in the Emergency department of the University Hospital of Nantes in France working in the Accident & Emergency Unit and in the Acute Medicine Unit.
Associate Chief Medical Informatics Officer for the Territorial Hospital group of Loire Atlantique.
Instructor in the Medical Simulation Lab of the University of Nantes.


Dr Rosa McNamara

St Vincent's University Hospital


Dr Kiren Govender is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine in Ireland and Senior Lecturer at the Universities of Galway and Limerick