Preparing for the examEBEEM UEMS

Candidates are strongly advised to prepare adequately for the examination by following the European Curriculum of Emergency Medicine, and by consulting current Emergency Medicine textbooks, as well as current important international guidelines. Candidates should note that the examination primarily uses the latest edition of Judith Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide as the reference text, as well as

  • ESC guidelines since 2010: Atrial fibrillation, ACS non-ST elevation, acute cardiac failure
  • SIGN guidelines since 2010: antithrombotics
  • NICE guidelines since 2010: epilepsy, acute GI bleeding, venous thromboembolic disease, headaches, anaphylaxis
  • European Resuscitation Council guidelines since 2010
  • Ultrasound-specific resources: Ma, Mateer, Blaivas: "Emergency Ultrasound", McGraw Hill

​EBEEM candidates and their training instructors should become familiar with the European Curriculum that is approved by the UEMS Board. Emergency Medicine European Training Requirements - 2024.

More information about th European Curriculum on the dedicated page

Also see the sample multiple choice questions, of the type you would expect to find on the Part A exam.

Additional resources: provides a structured way to assess patients with a given chief complaint, it incorporates some clinical decision rules to evaluate the probability of certain diagnoses, and a stepwise approach to specific procedures and examinations.


EUSEM's Education Committee developed the document Curriculum+. This is a list of free online learning materials based on the Curriculum.

Find it here 

EUSEM Academy

EUSEM launched an e-learning platform, the EUSEM Academy, with webcasts, learning quizzes and e-learning modules. 

There is a special section that focuses on e-learning modules that are based on the curriculum. The contents will grow steadily with every EUSEM congress.

Only EUSEM members have access to the full content, but also some content is freely available if you create a free MyEUSEM account.