Terms of Reference
The EUSEM Ultrasound Section will work with and under the direction of the EUSEM Executive in achieving the overall aims and objectives of the society.
Role of the Section
The section aims to be truly representative of the scope of Emergency Medicine and more specifically Emergency Ultrasound as practiced in the European Emergency Medicine Community.
In addition to the general objectives of EUSEM, the objectives of this section are:
- Develop a European Curriculum for Emergency Ultrasound
- Establish guidelines and policies
- Provide a forum for discussion of Emergency Ultrasound in Europe
- Organize and deliver basic and advanced Ultrasound Courses
- Organize focused courses on specific topics (pre-hospital, pediatric, disaster, etc)
- Develop Ultrasound-based material for the European Exam
- Support US training in limited resources countries or countries without an established US training program by organizing local courses
- Promote and co-ordinate research throughout Europe in Emergency Ultrasound
- Establish partnership with other worldwide recognized POCUS networks/groups/societies, in order to expand US education and training in a unified international format
- US Courses accreditation
The Ultrasound Section will work within the regulations and bylaws of EUSEM. It will send an annual report to the EUSEM Council as well as a plan of activity for the following year.
Our planned activities for 2022 are:
- Development of the European US Curriculum
- Organize basic and advanced courses
- 2 webinars in collaboration with WINFOCUS (April-May 2022)
- Support Ukrainian colleagues on POCUS topics remotely
The annual meeting of the section will be held during the annual EUSEM congress. Tele-meetings will be organized during the year if required.
Membership of Section
All members of the Section must be current EUSEM members and annually renew their membership while being a member of the US Section.
In order to represent European Emergency Medicine, the Section will have at least one person from each country that is allied to EUSEM.
All members of the Ultrasound Section will have voting rights in electing a smaller Executive Group. The wider group will be involved in discussions and developments and be encouraged to contribute to all aspects of the areas they have experience in.
Executive Group
This group will consist of at least six members: Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Research Director, Educational Director and Secretary.
The President of EUSEM will be an ex-officio member.
This group, along with the Chair, will be subject to re-election every three years.

Leto, Riccardo
Raemen, Hannelore

Laursen, Christian,
Posth, Stefan

Breitkreutz, Raoul
Dissman, Patrick
Hogan Barbara

Polyzogopoulou, Effie

Cibinel, Gian
Cortellaro, Francesca
Parri, Niccolò

Borg, Konrad
United Kingdom

Atelsski, Zeki
Arora, Mohit
Connolly, Jim
Harris, Tim
Michael, Kiuber
Murali, Kalyana
Weerasinghe, Asoka
Żmijewska-Kaczor, Olga

Horn, Rudolf
Osterwalder, Joseph
Tabakovic, Senad

Erdenun, Erol
Girisgin, Sadik (Research)
Ucak, Umut,
Özlem, Dikme
Ünlüer, Erol

Golea, Adela
Saudi Arabia

Hariri, Hani (Curriculum)
Pasha, Farooq
United States

Hoffman, Beatrice
Teran, Felipe

Muhr, Christopher

Reitveld, Vincent

Villen, Tomas

Najib, Nasa

Le Conte, Phillipe
Petrovic, Tomii

Soric, Masa

Bajic, Slaven