Pre-hospital Section


Pre-hospital emergency care is an integral part of emergency medicine and is extremely important as a first link in the chain of survival.

It should be available for all European citizens without any administrative or other barriers.

Pre-hospital emergency care demands specific scope of knowledge and skills from providers based on excellent knowledge and experience from work in Emergency Deaprtments as a clinical base of EM.

Despite different approaches within European countries the EUSEM Pre-hospital Section would like to develop pre-hospital emegency care and ensure the highest quality of performance all over Europe.

Our general goals are:

  • to discuss standards of management of medical conditions, diseases and traumas in the field
  • to improve quality of providing care including communication, team leadership and ethical considerations specific for pre-hospital care
  • to improve mutual knowledge of different systems of providing pre-hospital care and discuss their advantages, drawbacks, effectivity and safety for the patiens and communities
  • to develop specific education and training of providers of different levels including physicians
  • to implement pre-hospital topics into European EM examination
  • to develop research in the pre-hospital field
  • to join the preventive campaigns towards public themes, including teaching first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma prevention and others
  • to share knowledge between European countries

Accomplished Activities 2019

1. Prepare and send the proposals for the Scientific Program of 2019 EUSEM Congress:
First track: Pre-hospital intervention in special circumstances

  • avalanche/ mountains- Peter Paal
  • sea and islands area - Vitor Portugal
  • remote area vs city center - Diana

Second track: 

  • Technology dedicated to simulation in prehospital- Eric Revue
  • New Ethial challenges in pre-hospital EM – Jana Seblova 

2. Emergency Ultrasound Course- Iasi, Romania, 21-23 March 2019: organize & prepare the program, the venue, faculty (40 candidates)
3. Pre-hospital section meeting during the EUSEM Congress Prague – Sunday, 13 October. 
4. Partcipation Scientific Program for South East European Congress, Istanbul, 20-22 June 2019
5. Participation to the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Increased the number of the members of the section, including nurses, paramedics

Objectives for Next Five Years

1. Set-up a Survey relevant for Pre-hospital section and the results to be present during the next meeting, maybe prepare an article for publication in EJEM
2. Recruit new members for Pre-Hospital Section by sending  a letter to the National Society
3. Organize and put in place the next course together with Ultrasound section, in 2020
4. Prepare and support the proposal for Scientific Program for 2020 Congress
5. Prepare and submit pre-hospital topics for the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Work together with Co-Chair  Eric Revue: Pre Congress course with a simulation training program on damage control in pre-hospital condition and management of multiple victims in the ED.



Cimpoesu, Diana


Revue, Eric


Bronselaer, Koen


Castren, Maaret


Dobias, Viliam


Genbrugge, Cornelia


Granholm, Fredrik


Korgvee, Ago

Czech Republic

Gregor, Roman


Hogan, Barbara


Jeleff, Alexandre


Khoury, Abdo


Kirkegaard, Hans


Ocak, Umut


Laroussi, Mehdi


Oudet, Julie


Plaisance, Patrick


Prosen, Gregor


Shemesh, Assaf

Czech Republic

Seblova, Jana


Segal, Nicolas


Solid, Stephen


Tourtier, Jean-Pierre


Trenkler, Stephan


Yordanov, Youri


Müller, Stefan


Herdtle, Steffen


Amoroso, Diego

Czech Republic

Franěk, Ondřej


Neyrinck, Stef

Survey results

European Pre-hospital Emergency Care Systems 2016

Click Here to download the Survey Results

Section meeting reports

Click here to read the reports. For members only

Contact Information

For further information and to express interest in joining the Pre-hospital Section, contact the Section Chair:

Dr. Eric Revue

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.