Webinar on patient flow: Tuesday April 14, 16:00 CEST

The first edition of the COVID-19 webinar in the series: How to treat the disease, is about: 

How to organise pre-hospital and ED pathways and patient flow in suspected COVID 19

Hear experience right from the field. This webinar will be moderated by Luca Ragazzoni, Disaster Medicine specialist, and Diana Cimpoiesu, Pre-Hospital specialist

  1. Medical dispatch center: the first pre-triage level - Abdo Khoury (France)
  2. ED preparedness: clean and dirty pathways and how to prepare to a high flow of COVID 19 patients - Roberta Petrino (Italy)
  3. Thinking about the possible: Lesson learned in a country where the burden is not so high - Riccardo Leto (Belgium)


After registration you will receive the webinar link.

For an overview of all the webinars EUSEM is organising CHECK HERE


EUSEM COVID-19 webinars

As you might have noticed, EUSEM is very active with the organisation of several webinars . To keep everything clear, we inform you that we are doing 3 different tracks of webinars, mentioned below. We made a calendar for you with information about all the webinars, including links to recordings and reports of past webinars. Check the calendar here

Symbol paediatricUpdate of the Covid situation in Europe
Speakers reporting from different European countries on the impact and the actual situation.

Registration for the 3rd update is open, with updates from China, South Korea and many more - April 30, 9:00 CEST


Symbol paediatricHow to treat the disease
State of the art of Covid-19 patient care and management, with special focus on patient inflow, characteristics of the disease, imaging and oxygen and the step down.

Registration is open for the fourth edition: the COVID-19 patient needs oxygen - April 23, 16:00 CEST

Symbol paediatric

Paediatric Covid-19
Review and management of the Covid-19 impact on the Paediatric Emergency Departments and patients.

Watch the recording of the 2nd webinar with Paediatric Research Updates and national updates from China, Sweden and The Netherlands




Final report first edition of COVID-19 webinar

Our respected colleague Kelly Janssens analysed the data shared by 9 European countries presenting the first edition of the EUSEM COVID-19 webinar. In the final report created together with our President Luis Castrillo, the data is presented in very useful graphs and tables to make the data comparable. Please find it here

Also the whole Q&A is added to the report, containing again a lot of information for you to take into account while challenging the crisis.  

The recording of the webinar is on the EUSEM Academy https://academy.eusem.org/eusem/2020/covid-19/290502/

Here you can also find the first Paediatric webinar in the light of COVID-19, that was recorded yesterday: https://academy.eusem.org/eusem/2020/covid-19/291568

I want to let you know, that you can login to the Academy with your EUSEM account to be able to join the forum. Here we can share experience and give guidance to each other or you can suggest topics for future webinars. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one for free here: https://eusem.org/register



The world didn’t face a situation like this since a very long time and a pandemic is new to many European health carers. In this light the sharing of information is of utmost importance.

This was the objective of the first COVID webinar on March 28. Physicians from 9 European countries provided updates and shared their precious experience about the management of the pandemic in their respective country with the aim to help their colleagues.

The emergency physicians from Italy, the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Turkey, Norway and Greece all finalised their presentation with “Lessons learned”; more a personal reflection on the situation instead of looking at the numbers.

The common conclusion is that the preparedness of the healthcare systems in whole Europe is not up to par. It’s an eye opener we must learn from and turn the ugly truth into a lesson.

The most striking remark from Pascual Piñera Salmerón:

“It is not a time for reproaches, just work, then we will have to make a deep reflection.”

A part of this reflection will contain the conclusions that:

  • Europe must be less arrogant. To think that something like this would not happen to us.
  • In many cases there was no correct translation of strategic crisis management to field operations.
  • The political management of the crisis is chaotic and different in every country.
  • Governments have failed to develop effective policies with regards to the prompt availability of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Protection of the staff should be a much higher priority. It motivates them to fight.

A strong encouragement for all to be humble, identify common parameters and standards for the EDs and work cooperatively and effectively to put an end to this emergency as soon as possible.

There is also a lot of positive to mention. Health care workers are demonstrating a strong collaboration, transcending specialties, proving their commitment to fight against a common enemy and towards a common goal.

So many people stepped up to help selflessly and got infected or even died providing care to patients or helping in any other way. We need to remember them forever.

The crisis has made very clear that the European Union needs to progress when it comes to protocols on a European level. By sharing information, we can help pushing for a European COVID ED protocol.

For a better Emergency Medicine care, ask for more. More nurses, more doctors, more services. Support us. https://emergencymedicine-day.org

The next webinar in this series will be organised on April 18, 9:00 CEST. Do not miss it!



In the first edition of our paediatric webinar series, held April 7, we started to review the current state of the art and continue to share experiences from the PED in highly impacted countries; France, Spain and Italy. It was a very interesting webinar, with many participants and a lot of questions answered. 

The recording is now available on the EUSEM Academy: Guidance on COVID-19 in Paediatrics Open access for everybody.

The PDF's and Q&A will be shared here as well soon. 

With a special thanks to Ruud Nijman, Roberto Velasco and Luigi Titomanlio for organising this.

Please note that if you login with your EUSEM account, you can ask questions in the forum and exchange experiences or suggest topics for upcoming webinars. So let's share that information!
When logged in you have access to much more material.

You'll find the webinar from March 28 there as well: COVID-19, A Unique Insight from Highly Impacted Countries 

SAVE THE DATE!: The next webinar will be held on the 24th of April at 14:00 CEST.