E-learning course in cyanide poisoning on the EUSEM Academy

Where there is smoke, there may be cyanide...

The course will focus on basic knowledge of cyanide toxicity due to smoke inhalation. In the second part the acquired knowledge can be applied during some clinical cases and a final quiz will validate your understandings.

You can log in with your EUSEM credentials on https://academy.eusem.org or create a free EUSEM profile first on https://eusem.org/register



Results board elections 2020

Dear members

During the next General Assembly, the elected Board members will be presented for nomination to the Board. We have 3 positions that will be free and the elections took place from 16 June to 15 July.

The outcome of the voting is as follow:

We congratulate Wilhelm Behringer and Robert Leach with their re-election and Said Laribi with his election to the Board. We thank the 3 elected members for their commitment to the Society.

Wilhelm2 Said2  


Wilhelm Behringer 
146 votes


Said Laribi    
91 Votes



Robert Leach 
104 Votes















We would like to thank Paolo Groff and Basar Cander for standing for election and their willingness to commit to the society.

Paolo Groff 2 Photo 2 BASAR


Paolo Groff 
54 Votes 


Basar Cander
55 Votes

Best wishes



Final report on COVID-19 published

Dear EUSEM Members,

As you know EUSEM organised European update webinars on COVID-19, to help to disseminate essential information and learn from each other. Our respected member Kelly Janssens, together with our president Luis Castrillo worked on final reports from each webinar to analyse and compare data. Now the 4th report is available on the EUSEM Academy with insights in exit strategies and daily measures from Europe, Canada and USA.

Section 1. Overview and strategy survey: Pan- European perspectives
Section 2. General situation of pandemic in each country
Section 3. Hospital situation: ED and ICU
Section 4. Strategic implications for ED and Hospital Management
Section 5. Other lessons learned: Therapy, innovation, public health implications

A very interesting must read for every health care professional!



High impact factor for the European Journal of Emergency Medicine

The new Impact Factor for EJEM is at 2.17!! This is the highest score the journal has reached.

EJEM is now the 10th out of 31 journals in Emergency Medicine.

All indicators are great, and since the only way is up, EJEM's aim is to be close to a factor of 3 next year.

EUSEM wants to congratulate the Editor in Chief, Yonathan Freund, the editorial board and all reviewers and submitters for this great achievement.

Please keep contributing to the journal by submitting your work by these instructions.

The Chief is looking out for new reviewers and especially new board members and decision editors.

If you are interested, please contact Yonathan Freund at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Help research in paediatric emergency medicine moving forward!

Are you willing to contribute to a valuable study and to help increasing our understanding of children presenting to emergency departments in the time of Covid-19?

This interesting and promising research project, the “EPISODES study” (Principal Investigator: R. Nijman, Imperial College London) has been developed in collaboration with the EUSEM and will look to collect paediatric data from emergency departments from across Europe. It will focus on how the patterns of presenting problems of children in the ED, and how the delivery of emergency care to the paediatric population have been influenced by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

This is a great opportunity for you to participate in an international research group. You will be asked to provide anonymous, retrospective, and aggregated data for your institution and to complete a survey detailing your local health care delivery.

You can find more details and the description of the study here.

Please get in touch for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The study is currently recruiting participating hospitals, with an aim to finalise the data collection this summer.