Webinar on demand: Imaging in COVID-19

This is a super interesting, practical and interactive webinar that you can watch whenever, wherever you want.

The topic is the use of Chest Xray, Chest ultrasound and CT scan in COVID–19 covered by the best experts.

Have a look on the EUSEM Academy for the webinar on demand.

The registration is open for the fourth edition of the webinar: The COVID-19 patient needs oxygen. April 23, 16:00 CEST



Check the calendar for more webinars.


Webinar on demand: the characteristics of the disease

The second clinical webinar on COVID-19, was a big success, with very qualitative information. 

You really have to see it. It is now on demand on the EUSEM Academy: 


Registration for the next in this series: Imaging in COVID-19 on tuesday 21 April, 16:00 CEST is open.


Tomorrow 18 April, 9:00 AM CEST, we will have an European Update webinar with updates from:

Italy, Netherlands, France, UK, Germany, Romania, Denmark, Spain, Poland and Ireland.
Topics: level of lockdown, Case Fatality Rate, tests used, use of PPE, Triage and more


 For an overview of all the webinars EUSEM is organising including links to past webinars CHECK HERE


Volunteers needed for boosting the EUSEM Academy!

Are you an enthusiastic full member willing to contribute to the development of the EUSEM Academy making it a comprehensive topic-based platform?

What are we expecting from you as volunteer? To dedicate a few hours to review some educational webcasts from our previous annual Congresses and link them to the relevant topic from the EM curriculum.

What does it mean?? No panic, you will be guided through the process by a short user-friendly tutorial.

This is a good opportunity to widen your knowledge, contribute to boost a promising educational tool and, last but not least, making it a CPD activity to add to your portfolio.

Get on board!

Please note that we have new member fees and you can become a EUSEM member for a very competitive rate and enjoy all member benefits.

Do you need more information or you want to join? Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Poison Centers & COVID-19: webinar 15 April, 21:00 CEST

In a collaboration of organisations in the field of toxicology, webinars are organised in the light of COVID-19.

Poison Centers & COVID-19: Toxicological Exposure Data, Trends, and Public Health Response;
PPE In Addiction Treatment Settings
Updates from the Front Lines: London & Newark

Addiction Medicine specialist Dr. Timothy Wiegand will give a review of PPE in Addiction Treatment Settings. Drs. Calello and Brooks will discuss the Poison Center response to COVID-19 pandemic as well as present national data trends in poison center calls, poison center staffing challenges during social distancing, and public health partnerships.