Web app online for Emergency Medicine Day

We launched a web app for Emergency Medicine Day

Shortage of Emergency Medicine Professionals and services is the main theme of EM Day 2020.

Help us ask for more!

Support us by uploading your selfie in the app, along with your name and clock out time, to show your endurance in emergency care and the impact of fatigue and passion, satisfaction and frustration, anxiety and gratification that comes along with your job.



ED response to Corona

Since the end of January, the world is facing an outbreak of a novel virus. Europe is in the heart of this epidemy and our Emergency Departments are overwhelmed by an exceptional workload and emotional commitment.

Doctors and nurses are requested to work double or triple shifts looking after patients infected by Covid-19. Directors of EDs are involved in the decisions taken by the crisis units which will affect the life of thousands of citizens.

Exceptional organizational solutions have been taken and surge capacity increased, and the screening of hundreds of patients is done outside the EDs, with professionals wearing PPE all day long, in complex environments.

ED personnel is responding with courage, resilience and great solidarity. We would like to applaud and thank all the healthcare professionals involved: doctors, nurses, paramedics and all personnel, for what they are doing. Emergency Medicine proves once again to be the cornerstone of any healthcare system, especially in periods of disease outbreaks and major disasters. Having a good emergency care system is mandatory and should rely on a medical dispatch center and a strong out of hospital medical system.


EBEEM part A exam: closure of all exam centres

Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Europe and outside, EUSEM had to decide on the cancellation of  the EBEEM A of next Friday 6 March in all the exam centers.

This decision has carefully been considered taking into account the health and security nationally and internationally.


The new exam date will be announced in the coming days.




The foundation of EUSEM: interview with Herman Delooze

This is the first video in a serie of interviews with EUSEM past presidents to celebrate 25 years of EUSEM. This video sets out in a very short but moving way how EUSEM came into existence. You feel the charisma of Herman Delooze. It is a wonderful video.