JOIN First Aid Guidelines

For the very first time, a set of common European-wide First Aid Guidelines has been successfully produced. Developed by an international team of experts, who form the JOIN Clinical Working Group, the Guidelines promote the importance of First Aid in daily situations at home, at work, and in daily life. They are designed to apply in every European country, also providing a solution to some cross-border health issues and helping to foster international cooperation.

The JOIN Guidelines are intended for First Aiders, the general public, as well as health professionals and, are available to all users for free. They are currently available in thirteen European languages: Dutch, English, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, and also Arabic. For free download, please go to



Free webinar on demand: management of the 2nd COVID wave

Last Friday November 27, heads from ED from Germany, Italy, Romania, Sweden, Lithuania, Belgium, Poland and Spain shared their experience about the management of suspected COVID patients during the 2nd wave. 

You can watch it on demand freely accessible here:

Don't miss it, because there is a lot more clear information now than in the first wave about differences and similarities, and so many important perspectives. 

What about Robert Leach's Lille criteria and Paulo Groff's approach to out of hospital management including the Swedish 'pox walk'. 

Check it out!


PhD Publication - Childhood Pneumonia - Clinical decision support in the ED

Please find this great PhD publication from one of our Young EM Doctors, Josephine van de Maat.

Childhood Pneumonia
Clinical decision support in the emergency department

Do you also want to publish your PhD on the Young doctors section page?, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Help us keeping the EUSEM Academy up-to-date

As you might know we developed the EUSEM Academy,, an educational platform, based on the topics of the EM curriculum.  

We need your help to keep the Academy content up-to-date

The content on the platform needs to stay up-to-date and also needs to be complemented, because there are still subtopics that don't have any content yet. For this task EUSEM needs the help of her members. It are the people in the field that know what are new guidelines or changes of view, and it is also you that can recommend useful open free sources that helped you in your carreer.

You can become a part of the Academy editorial board by becoming responsible for a sub-topic. You can choose a topic from the list accessible through this link. Click on it and open it in Google sheets. Fill in your name behind topics that have no name behind it yet, or reply to this email which topic you would like to take under your wing. You will be contacted by EUSEM office with more instructions, about reviewing and adding existing content, on the email address that we have in our system.

We will organise editorial meetings 4 times a year to discuss your findings. The Academy will be updated accordingly.

Please note that:

Some curriculum topics are taken out of the file, because a EUSEM Section or Committee is already taking care of it.
In the topic file, the light blue marking means there is no content on that (sub-)sub-topic yet.
The sub-sub-topics without content are invisible on the Academy.
Go to the topic tree on the Academy, to see how much content is there yet to review within specific topics.
There is a demo in the google drive if you want to know more about the functionality of the Academy.

If you have any questions before putting your name down, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



COVID-19 Deployment Opportunity in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions

Under the coordination of the WHO Emergency Medical Teams, we are looking for mid-senior clinical and IPC experts that are able and willing to take part in short-term deployments in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions.

Under the coordination of the WHO Emergency Medical Teams, we are doing our part in mitigating the effects of COVID-19 around the world through expertise and training. For this reason, we are looking for mid-senior clinical and IPC experts that are able and willing to take part in short-term deployments (2-4 weeks) in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions to share their knowledge and experience in further building the healthcare capacity in the target countries. In particular, the ideal profiles have:

  • A university degree in medicine or in nursing from an accredited/recognized institution.
  • Clinical experience in intensive care management and/or management of infectious diseases, emergency medicine, pneumology, pediatric anesthesia.
  • Experience in COVID-19 patient management, triage of respiratory distress patients, transport, treatment protocols, or other relevant COVID-19 expertise.
  • Ability to share their knowledge (an educational/training background is highly desirable).
  • Fluency in English is required, working knowledge of Arabic is an asset, knowledge of any other UN language or any local language may be an asset depending on the country of deployment.

For more information, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here to apply


Free EM education on the EUSEM Academy

We have turned the EUSEM Academy in a topic based learning tool with thousands of links to free educational material.

The topic tree we use is based on the European EM curriculum, so a very good tool to prepare for the EBEEM exam or any other EM exam.

Click on the Curriculum tab in the main menu to find the content per topic. The links that are categorised under the label "Document Libraries" are free after login. Or take the new toxicology e-course

You can login with your EUSEM account or create a free profile here