
Hospital Disaster Preparedness: A comparison among the German, Belgian and Spanish modus operandi

This webinar will discuss hospital disaster preparedness, with a specific focus on comparing the preparedness procedures and protocols of Germany, Belgium, and Spain. The objective is to identify and carefully consider best practices prior to standardising actions.

Hospitals play a critical role in disaster response, while also facing the inherent risk of internal incidents.
An integrated and multidisciplinary approach to hospital disaster management and preparedness is necessary. In addition to response strategies, significant attention is given to risk assessment and preparedness during the pre-incident phase, as well as to Business Continuity Planning in the post-incident phase.
It is essential to train key players and all personnel to understand the Hospital Incident Management System and to perform all specific emergency procedures. All these emergency procedures should be based on evidence-based practices resulting from essential disaster-response research.
Special attention nowadays is of utmost importance for nursing professionals. They are the majority of the health care workforce, and they play an important role in disaster management. However, an important pitfall for nurses in disaster situations is the lack of disaster-related education and absence of nurse involvement. But … when an event occurs, nurses become essential.

Recent research and developments during the corona outbreak show that many hospitals do have a hospital disaster plan, but that there still is a large discrepancy between the demands of ‘the paper plan’ and the reality on the field. Standardisation of planning, training and deployment of response are unique issues to successful management of disasters. Hospital disaster management should be a reflection on quality and safety policies within the hospital.
This webinar will discuss the following topics and conclude with a Q&A session. Moderated by Dr. Steve Photiou (Italy), Chair of EUSEM's Disaster Medicine Section.



1) The Spanish approach. How can we begin preparing the hospitals for a disaster

Speaker: Dr. Izaskun Tellitu, Emergency Physicican, member of disaster medicine section at the EuSEM and ACEP and in HDP. President of the HDP st Reus University hospital 

2) A Belgian experience: How common views considering Hospital Disaster Preparedness can have difficulties to be converted into action

Speaker: Dr. Christel Hendrickx (Belgium), RN, CCRN, MSN, EMDM

3) A German experience: Professionalizing the HDP Task Force using Implementation Models and Tools, Integration of perspectives of the stakeholders on a System thinking, tailored to the Regional Response. 

Speaker: Dr. Georgios Leledakis, Anesthesiologist, Emergency Physician, Hospital Preparedness Task Force HELIOS Klinikum Krefeld, CRM-Instructor  

4) Q&A session. 

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