Interview with Dr Khoury, President of EUSEM

How to prepare for the influx of victims? How to apply a tourniquet? How do you blow out a pneumothorax? Not all Ukrainian health professionals are trained in emergency medicine. EUSEM is preparing pedagogical video clips at high speed, in conjunction with the WHO Academy. These capsules are a summary of the training offered by this new WHO "training centre", based in Lyon.

Abdo Khoury is an emergency doctor at the University Hospital of Besançon. Since 2020, he has been president of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM). EUSEM federates 36 national emergency medicine societies, including the Ukrainian society, ARCEM (All-Ukrainian Resuscitation Council and Emergency Medicine).

Dr Khoury, do you have any news from Ukraine?
Yes, we are following the situation very closely. We had three meetings this week with our ARCEM colleagues based in Kiev. Already on 25 February, EUSEM publicly expressed its support for Ukrainian emergency workers and then condemned the targeting of health professionals.


WHO Academy webinar on Mass Casualty Management

The World Health Organization Academy and EUSEM organised a 90-minute webinar to convey critical information and learning on Mass Casualty Management (MCM) practice and guidance for key emergency health personnel including doctors, nurses, and other emergency unit workers and first responders who are working in Ukraine and nearby environs.  

 The session was held in English with simultaneous interpretation into UkrainianPolish, and Russian.    

Experts provided an overview of mass casualty management, including the roles of the Incident Command Team (ICT) members, zone management within and outside the emergency unit, triage outside the unit, supplies, personal protective equipment and decontamination, and security and crowd control.  Ample time will be reserved for answering questions from participants.  


EUSEM joins the WHO academy initiative to develop training videos for Ukrainian doctors

Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining this important meeting in support of #ukraine and our Ukrainian friends

This tragedy we are living in #ukraine and Europe today is beyond anything we would have imagined. This tragedy is leaving millions on the roads far away from their homes. People are being killed, children are being murdered or are becoming orphans.
This is not acceptable!

We at EUSEM firmly condemn all military actions and especially the killing of civilians; I would like to reiterate EUSEM full support to #ukraine and Ukrainian people on behalf the EuSEM family and the Emergency Medicine community all over Europe.


Ukrainian society ARCEM needs support for medical supplies

Please pay attention to this call for support that we received from our National Society Member the All-Ukrainian Resuscitation Council and Emergency Medicine (ARCEM).  There is a need for medical supplies to assist victims in the line of fire. ARCEM plans on buying the necessary materials and bringing them to EMD brigades, military hospitals and TDB units. Now the ARCEM team is preparing a detailed analysis of the needs of each hospital and unit. 

If you want to make a donation, please use the following details:

Account in EUR (Euro):
Registration number 37880877
JSC CB "PRIVATBANK" - 1D, Hrushevcskoho st., KYIV 01001, UKRAINE, SWIFT code - PBANUA2X opened an account:
№ UA043052990000026006030109116.
Purpose of payment: charitable assistance for the implementation of statutory activities.

Read the full letter here


EUSEM strongly condemns violence aimed at healthcare personnel and installations in Ukraine

The European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) is appalled by reports coming from Ukraine that healthcare workers are becoming targets in this armed conflict.  

As a society that represents the interests of emergency medicine healthcare professionals across Europe, we believe that we have an obligation to speak out in opposition to such actions taking place against Emergency Medicine doctors, nurses and paramedics in Ukraine. We strongly condemn any and all violence aimed at healthcare personnel or healthcare installations.  

Hospitals as well as healthcare workers during a time of conflict are protected under the First Geneva Convention. Failure to respect this convention can be considered a war crime. 

EUSEM solemnly demands that all combatting forces in the Ukrainian theatre of conflict respect and provide protection for healthcare personnel and healthcare installations with immediate effect.  


Letter of support for our Ukrainian colleagues

Greetings to our Ukrainian colleagues,

It is with sadness and disbelief that we have learned of the current military actions that are being carried out within your country.  We fear, surely along with all of you, that the loss of human life may become substantial.

We also fully understand that such events can be a source of extreme hardship on your population and on your health system. This unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Europe, if allowed to continue may leave no other choice for your fellow countrymen than to flee their homes and their homeland. We who are trained to do everything possible to protect and save lives, are sincerely saddened by the unnecessary destruction and by the horrific and senseless loss of life that is occurring in your lovely country. 

The entire EUSEM family wishes to communicate that we regard the Ukrainian Emergency Medicine sisters and brothers as an integral part of our European family. We stand beside you during this tragic time. 

Our prayer is that the hostilities will cease quickly in your country, that peace will again reign in Ukraine and that you will be able to care again for your patients in a free, safe and secure environment.    

Most Sincerely

Dr Abdo Khoury

President, the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM)