Important survey on child maltreatment

This Survey is carried out by Augeo Foundation and Erasmus MC, in collaboration with EUSEM and EUSEN.

This short survey aims to gain insight into child maltreatment strategies at emergency departments (EDs) throughout Europe. 





Christoph Dodt elected new Vice-President of EUSEM

Christoph Dodt and Abdo Khoury were in the run for Vice-Presidency.

In the election period they both managed to mobilize their followers which ended in the following results:

Christoph Dodt - 105 votes

Abdo Khoury - 100 votes

The results were close. We congratulate Christoph Dodt with his new position, starting after the General Assembly on the 11th of September, and we look forward to future collaboration.

We thank Abdo Khoury for all the accomplishments he made. 


Nursing facilities at EUSEM Congress 2018

Everyone is very welcome at the Congress. EUSEM and RCEM want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to attend. That's why the venue has a dedicated area available for nursing mothers, with access to microwaves for warming food and in addition, to maximize convenience for nursing mothers, EUSEM will provide a dedicated nursing lounge in the exhibition area.

If anyone has specific needs, feel free to ask at the registration desk and we will do everything possible to find a satisfactory solution.


Competence makes the difference in emergency medicine

Dr Roberta Petrino, president of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, shares with Health Europa Quarterly her hopes for the inaugural Emergency Medicine Day.

The European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing research, education and training, promoting standards, and supporting good practice in emergency medicine throughout Europe. Boasting 32 national society members, EUSEM works to encourage international collaboration in the field; facilitate information exchange through meetings, courses, research and publications; foster the development of uniform information systems and data banks; and support co-operation between – and the formation of – national emergency medicine associations.

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