
Thank you for your support for Emergency Medicine Day!!

Emergency Medicine Day was a big success. We got so many stories, initiatives and shares from all over the world. From Mexico to Yemen to India. This is exactly how we intended it to be and we want to give you a big thank you. It makes us feel united. Please…


EUSEM Academy is launched!!

Because EUSEM advances education, we launched an eLearning platform together with an app to offer EM education based on the European curriculum at home and on the go!


Happy Emergency Medicine Day!!!

Dear friends of EUSEM, Today we celebrate Emergency Medicine Day to aim for high quality Emergency Medical Care for everyone.  We launched the Campaign video for 2019 today and send out a press release to all our members and friends.  Please read it here and watch the awesome video!


YEMD Refresher Course 11

The registration to the YEMD Refresher Course 11 is full! This edition will be about: “Resuscitation in the Emergency Department”  Refresher courses are organised regularly, so keep an eye out for the next one.   MORE INFO