Letter of support for our Ukrainian colleagues
Greetings to our Ukrainian colleagues,
It is with sadness and disbelief that we have learned of the current military actions that are being carried out within your country. We fear, surely along with all of you, that the loss of human life may become substantial.
We also fully understand that such events can be a source of extreme hardship on your population and on your health system. This unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Europe, if allowed to continue may leave no other choice for your fellow countrymen than to flee their homes and their homeland. We who are trained to do everything possible to protect and save lives, are sincerely saddened by the unnecessary destruction and by the horrific and senseless loss of life that is occurring in your lovely country.
The entire EUSEM family wishes to communicate that we regard the Ukrainian Emergency Medicine sisters and brothers as an integral part of our European family. We stand beside you during this tragic time.
Our prayer is that the hostilities will cease quickly in your country, that peace will again reign in Ukraine and that you will be able to care again for your patients in a free, safe and secure environment.
Most Sincerely
Dr Abdo Khoury
President, the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM)