PC 8: Immobilization & Wound Closure (Non-Vital Trauma)

Course Directors

  • Jean-Jacques Banihachémi (France)


  • Abdelouahab Bellou (USA)
  • Alberto Gregori (Scotland)
  • Patricia O'Connor (Scotland)
  • Régis Pailhé (France)
  • Franck Verschuren (Belgium)
  • Francis Launois (France)
  • Mohamed Ben Aissa (Belgium)


Maximum number : 30
All professionals involved in the management of non-vital traumatology: EPs, orthopedists, nurses, immobilization technicians, medical students.


Course description:

Non-vital trauma represents 40-60% of chief complaints in the ED. There are many pitfalls in the diagnosis of lesions generating therapeutic delays that can be dramatic in terms of functional prognosis for the patient. To avoid complications, it is essential to develop strong collaboration between orthopedic surgeons involved in trauma emergencies and emergency physicians (EPS). This course will be led by EPs and ED nurses in collaboration with orthopedic surgeons. 


1. To learn the relevant immobilization techniques of the upper and lower limbs:
a. Plaster
b. Resin
c. Strapping
d. Specific assets: shoulder, finger.

2. To learn how to manage sutures of wound injuries in the ED.


This session will take place over 2 days involving EPs, orthopedic surgeons and immobilization technicians ED nurses. This session will be exclusively practical and interactive. Experts will show how to carry out the various fixed assets and answer the trainees' questions. Trainees will be distributed into 3 groups.

1- Immobilization workshop with 2 groups:  All trainees will practice with each other with the support of the trainers. The goal is to provide skills in all types of immobilization of limbs.

2- Sutures workshop: trainees will practice on simulation tool.



Saturday 12 October

09:00 Welcome

Introduction of the course and presentation of the basic rules on immobilization techniques


Practice on immobilization workshop (upper limbs):
a) Circular cast
b) Synthetic cast (resin cast)
c) Plaster splint

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Practice on immobilization workshop (lower limbs):
a) Circular cast
b) Synthetic cast (resin cast)
c) Plaster splint

17:00-18:00 Clinical Cases series with quiz MCQ

Sunday 13 October

08:00-08:30 Basic rules on suture techniques

Sutures workshop synthetic surgical glue

10:30-11:00 Conclusion and Diploma