2019: Prague, Czech Republic

EUSEM Prague 2019 gefreubel


Dear ColleLuis G Castrilloagues, Prague congress has become part of the EUSEM legacy and in our memory is going to be considered one of our most successful congresses. But this is not the time to enumerate all the relevant achievements of this meeting, and make comparisons; this is the time to sincerely thank those who made this possible.

The team of the scientific (SCOC), social and general program (ECOC) has a crucial impact on the final results of the congress, and their composition is transparent; but now I would like to recognize a more hidden activity that also contributes substantially to the final result.

During the Prague congress, we have had a wide group of volunteers, organized and properly led, mostly Czech medical students who not only provided support for this educational activity, in the future, they are also going to be the best emergency medicine ambassadors.

The national society has put all their resources on the success of the event; we have to mention Dr. Roman Gřegoř, MBA – President of Czech Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine for his several duties during the congress.

We have had the opportunity to be closer to our daily work thanks to a great photo exhibition: " To the ED". The author Prof. Mgr. Jindřich Štreit, supported by the Department of Olomouc University Hospital, has complemented the scientific perspective of emergency medicine with a more human perspective, and we have to thank them.

The Prague Convention Bureau and the PCO have made our life more pleasant during those days; we are thankful for their commitment. Many others are missing on this list who for sure have had a relevant contribution; my gratitude for your support.

I will like to express one final request to this group of visionaries who made this event possible; it is not rational to lose your experience, and resorting to your generous support, transmit your experience to the new organizers, doing so, the future of EUSEM meetings is going to be more than promising.