Emergency Medicine Day

What is the emergency medicine day?


 27 May is introduced as the Emergency Medicine Day and promoted by the EUSEM globally. The aim of this day is to unite the world population and decision makers to think and talk about emergency medicine and emergency medical care.

We believe it is important to build awareness about the need for well developed, well prepared and well organised emergency medical systems everywhere in the world to increase survival and reduce disability after any kind of urgent or emergent medical situation.

On 27 May, we encourage citizens, patients, health care personnel, and institutions all around the world to talk about emergency medicine and make projects for a year of progress in the discipline.

Where the specialty in emergency medicine is not yet developed, where emergency medical systems are not well structured, where competences are not standardized and certified, where resources for emergency medicine are insufficient, there should be a strong voice to ask and claim for a change, for a better life.

Because “competence makes the difference”.



To explain to the people that emergency medical care is better performed with competent professionals, doctors specialist in emergency medicine, nurses trained in emergency and acute care, paramedics, technicians, support personnel competent and working in organized structures and systems dedicated to emergency medical care.

To show to people and governments that this organization makes a difference in terms of morbidity, mortality, and cost-effectiveness.


Fields of action

Rapid and competent first response to life threatening conditions like: cardiac arrest, stroke, heart attack, trauma, respiratory failure, bleeding and sepsis.

Efficient and quality response to all other urgent and emergency situation

A barrier and a harbor against violence and abuse

An organized reaction, response and prevention to disasters and humanitarian crisis

Please visit our website: https://emergencymedicine-day.org



Download the printable version of the Emergency Medicine Day poster here.