ED Scholarship

We offer a scholar ship of one year duration starting from early 2017 to a doctor with emergency medicine background. The required commitment would be research, teaching and clinical activities at the Emergency Department of Careggi University Hospital.

The ED of the Careggi University Hospital, with its 3600 square meters, is one of the largest in Europe, is a trauma center for the centre of Italy and also the referral center for acute stroke and acute coronary syndromes. In the ED are managed an average of 110000 adult patients per year and there are a total of 80 beds comprehensive of a 10 beds “red code” area with possibility of invasive monitoring and invasive ventilation, a 4 bed sub intensive care unit with possibility of non invasive ventilation and a 22 beds short stay/admission unit.

The ED is highly committed to training of doctors, nurses and students and to research activities with an average of 10 publications per year in peer-reviewed journals.

If someone is interested please contact me for further informations

Peiman Nazerian
Dr Peiman Nazerian
Emergency Medicine staff physician
Phone number 0039 3396122448
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


YEMD Fellowships Awarded

Fellowships in Non-Invasive Ventilation Awarded

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Heather Wieman from Norway and Dr. Dalip Kumar from the UK have been awarded Fellowships in non0invasive ventilation. Read full details here


First Receivers

FirstReceivers.ca is an open, free, virtual community for health care professionals who will receive disaster victims.  It was established with support from the Canadian federal government.

Membership is open to all. It has no national or professional boundaries other than members being dedicated to improving health care delivery in a disaster.  FirstReceivers allows members to share resources, start discussion threads, provide/receive teaching sessions and find/network with likeminded individuals.  The community is divided into subgroups of interest such as Emergency Physicians, EMS,  Mass Gathering, Public Health, etc. Members define their profile and as a result get mailing and resources tailored to them.