Recommendations on informed consent for European Emergency Departments for Adults and Children

Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law. It is premised on the principle of self-determination as a fundamental human right and applies to every field of medicine. Informed consent is an important and challenging aspect of emergency medical care that ensures the protection of the right of patients to make informed decisions about proposed treatments and/or procedures. Even in emergency care situations, patients have the right to receive information about treatment options, so that they can make decisions about their care.

How to deal with this as an ED. Read it here.


YEMD Fellowship Programme open for registration


Get active in Paediatric Emergency Medicine

PEM is on the roll and there are a lot of interesting jobs to do.

There are 3 Special Interest Groups looking for members.

  1. Curriculum SIG
  2. Education SIG
  3. Communication SIG 

Please check the dedicated webpage to read about the general objectives of the SIG's and their immediate priorities.

PEM Special Interest Groups

Also a position of Associate Editor-Pediatrics for the European Journal of Emergency Medicine is now available.

Please contact the Editor (Prof Yonathan FREUND, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for further information and for applying. Please, add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in Cc to keep track.


European Training Requirements for Paediatric Emergency Medicine

The European Training Requirements for PEM are validated by UEMS.

The Syllabus intends to:

  • Harmonise training programmes in PEM between different European countries.
  • Establish clearly defined standards of knowledge and skill required to practice PEM at the tertiary care level.
  • Foster the development of a European network of competent tertiary care centres for PEM.
  • Improve the level of care for children who attend Emergency Departments (EDs).

Read the syllabus here!