
EM Day international survey on patient safety published in the European Journal of Emergency Medicine

For EM-Day 2023 we conducted 3 surveys about safety, for patients/general public, for professionals and for patient organisations.  The survey (1) included 1256 responses from 101 different countries; 70% of respondents were from Europe.  Among respondents, 80% reported that monitoring devices were available, and 74% reported that protocols for high-risk medication…


It's almost EM-Day!!

This week the EUSEM website is showing the EM-Day,  27 May, colours. We are very excited about all the submissions in the web-app and the activities that are coming in through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  The map of impact is already looking amazing with activities from all over the world! Even though EM-Day is…


Acute CV Days: Everything you need to know about acute myocardial infarction

AcuteCVDays facilitates learning and discussing potential differences between North America and Europe in the management and treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Every week, you can expect clinical cases, expert opinions, polls and a selection of relevant resources on acute myocardial infarction, covering best practices from both sides of the Atlantic.…


Emergency care at crisis point

Lorna Rothery spoke to Jim Connolly, President of the European Society for Emergency Medicine about how long-established issues in the health system are being reflected in emergency care, and the bold actions needed to address this. "Emergency medicine has faced unprecedented challenges over the past few years with ambulance offload…


Submit your educational proposals

EUSEM is working hard to deliver many educational initiatives to help to standardise the level of EM in Europe. Many of our members are great educators, therefore we would like you to submit your ideas according to our definitions and templates. There are plenty of options like hybrid course, face…