Industry Sessions

29 October 2021  

MedEdOTG EMCREG Int combo

               Lunch Industry Symposium            Time: 12:55- 13:55                             Auditorium 2 +Virtual


               Optimal Management of the Anticoagulated Patient with Life-Threatening Bleeding


                An Interactive CME Certified Symposium                        

                           Faculty:           Barbra Backus,            The Netherlands            

                           Faculty:           Richard Body,               United Kingdom  

                           Faculty:           Robert Leach,               Belgium           

                           Faculty:           W. Brian Gibler,            U.S.A.  

                           Faculty:           Martin Möckel,             Germany                    



                 What Are the Indications for Anticoagulation in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department?

                 What Are Repletion and Reversal Strategies for the Anticoagulated Patient With Life-threatening Bleeding?

                 How Do I Develop a Hospital Critical Pathway for Severe Bleeding in the Anticoagulated Patient?

                 How To Approach Life-threatening Bleeding in Anticoagulated Patients, I.E., Intracranial Hemorrhage, Gastrointestinal, Trauma?



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       Lunch Industry Symposium         Time: 12:55- 13:55                    Virtual

       Antivirals at Home: Moving Beyond Supportive Care for Outpatients with COVID-19  

              The changing epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

               Speaker: Carolina Garcia Vidal, Spain     

              Considerations in emergency medical care for patients with possible COVID-19

               Speaker: Juan González Del Castillo, Spain          

              Treatment at home: Emerging oral COVID-19 treatment options

               Speaker: Yoseph Caraco, Spain 



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         Lunch Industry Symposium           Time: 12:55- 13:55                              Auditorium 7

         Evaluation of mTBI patients in the ED                    

                Speaker: Francisco Moya,            Spain    


         Baxter Lunch Industry Symposium               Time: 12:55- 13:55                           Room 3A+B                       

         How to manage fluids to patients’ need?  

                Chair     Abdo  Khoury,   France 

                Chair     Jacob Bacariza,  Portugal             

                12:55     Introduction

                13:00     Importance of gold-directed therapy in ED

                               Speaker : Fillipe  Gonzalez, Portugal      

                13:15      Fluid management in sepsis patient: FRESH trial

                               Speaker: Lui Forni, United Kingdom       

                13:30     Learning from Spanish guidelines implementation

                               Speaker: Dra Najarro, Spain       


         LumiraDx Logos Blue TM

             The Age of Microfluidics

              Friday 29th October Product Demo

              10:40am in the Exhibition Hall, SIMCUP area during the coffee break

              Come and join our product presentation session, where we will demonstrate first-hand the power of the LumiraDx Platform. As industry-leading innovators,

              we have developed a state-of-the-art Platform, to deliver high accuracy diagnostics. Providing simple, accessible, and affordable point of care testing. ​

              With a pipeline of 30+ assays, initially focused on some of the most common conditions being diagnosed or managed with POC testing.

              Better Health. Better Experiences. Better Outcomes



30 October 2021  


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           BD Lifesciences Lunch Industry Symposium               Time: 12:55- 13:55                   Room 5AB         

           The impact of non-reported POCT errors on patient care and hospital resources         

                               Welcome and introduction of speakers

                               Chair: Anthony Malpass, United Kingdom           

                               Introduction of POCT

                               Speaker: Kevin Rooney, United Kingdom

                             POCT in the ED

                               Speaker: Ulf Martin Schilling, Sweden

                               Patient case study 1

                               Speaker: Kevin Rooney, United Kingdom

                             Video of the taking of blood gas samples from patients

                               Speaker: Antonio Buño Soto,     Spain                    

                               How Hb errors can occur

                               Speaker: Antonio Buño Soto,     Spain                    

                               Patient case study 2

                               Speaker: Ulf Martin Schilling, Sweden

                             How Potassium errors can occur

                               Speaker: Antonio Buño Soto,     Spain

                             POCT – the laboratory viewpoint

                               Speaker: Antonio Buño Soto,     Spain

                               Panel Discussion



National Societies

Albania Albania

Albanian Society of Emergency Medicine

Shoqata Shqiptare e Urgjencës Mjekësore - SH.U.M.

Date of origin: 1 January 2013


Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Association of Emergency Medicine Physicians of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Udruženje Urgentologa u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine

Date of origin: 15 March 2019

Georgia Georgia

Georgian College of Emergency Physicians

საქართველოს გადაუდებელი მედიცინის ექიმთა კოლეჯი

Kosovo Kosovo

Kosovo Society of Emergency Medicine

Shoqata për Mjekësi Emergjente e Kosovës (SHMEK)  

Year of origin: 2008


Lithuania Lithuania

Lithuanian Society for Emergency Medicine

Lietuvos Skubiosios Medicinos Draugija

Date of origin: 3 October 2003

Malta Malta

Association of Emergency Physicians of Malta

Ghaqda Maltija tat-Tobba ghall-Emergenzi

Date of origin: 1 December 2006

Moldova Moldova

Society of Emergency Medicine and Disasters Medicine from Republic of Moldova

Asociația Obștească Societatea Științifico-Practică de Medicină de Urgență și Catastrofe din Republica Moldova


Norway Norway

Norwegian College of Emergency Medicine


Portugal Portugal

Portuguese Society of Urgent and Emergency Medicine

Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina de Urgência e Emergência 


Slovakia Slovakia

Slovak Society of Disaster and Emergency Medicine

Slovenská spoločnost' urgentnej medicíny katastrof 

Date of origin: 4 October 1997

United Kingdom
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Royal College of Emergency Medicine

Year of origin: 1993