YEMD Refresher Course: resuscitation in the ED


This refresher course is taking place from 29 November till 1 December in Milan. The programme is developed by and for young doctors working in the ED (<36 years) and EM trainees. A small selection from the workshops:

  • Airway management in critically ill patient
  • Human factors and Group Dynamics
  • Procedural Boot Camp

This is a great way to meet and learn from your international peers. 

Check the webpage to find all the details on the programme and registration.


Fellowship Programme Lead wanted!

The Young Doctors section of EUSEM is calling for elections for the position of Fellowship Programme Lead.

The young doctors Fellowship programme is meant to offer traineeships in different formats, all over Europe to be able to learn, exchange ideas and relate to your European peers. The YEMD section has been busy with the development of a Fellowship Programme for a couple of years now. The pandemic had put everything to a hold. Now we are looking for a new Lead to continue where we left off.  

Please look at this document describing eligibility and responsibilities. After successful completion you will receive a free registration to the EUSEM Congress in the following year.

If you are up for it, please fill in these 2 templates and send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Motivation letter

Curriculum Vitae

The submission deadline is August 12!!

Be aware of Phishing!

EUSEM Members have received emails in the name of Abdo Khoury, EUSEM's President. The email states that it is from: Abdo Khoury  <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> and requests for immediate payment. This is a scam and phishing email. This email has definitely not been sent by Dr Khoury. The email address is false.
Delete and block the sender and please notify EUSEM's office through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.