

Pre-courses will be held on Saturday, October 12 and the morning of Sunday, October 13, 2024. EUSEM offers a wide range of pre-courses, spanning from half-day to 1.5-day courses, which will be held before the EUSEM congress in Copenhagen.

Given the limited number of places, early registration is encouraged to secure your place in these valuable and highly sought-after pre-courses. REGISTER NOW!

  • Minor Trauma
  • Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Adult and Paediatric Emergency Care (PSA) SOLD OUT
  • Emergency Medicine Core Competences (EMCC) SOLD OUT
  • Train the Trainer For Geriatric Medicine SOLD OUT
  • Advanced Paediatric Emergency Care Course (APEC) SOLD OUT
  • Quality & safety
  • Lead EM course
  • Ultrasound
  • Sustainability ​in Perfomance, Wellbeing and Resilience
  • Hackable Hospital Cybersecurity and Cyberterrorism Simulation
  • Geriatric Emergency Medicine SOLD OUT
  • Emergency Airway Management including Mechanical ventilation SOLD OUT