
About the EBEEM

IMPORTANT information  (Update March 2024)

A new format will be implemented for both Part A and Part B in the second half of 2024. From June 2024 on, Part B will only consist of SOEs (no more SCEs), and Part A will be extended to 200 MCQs.

Details for each new format are available on their respective pages. You can address your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


What is the EBEEM?

The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) is developed and implemented by EMERGE (Emergency Medicine Examination Reference Group in Europe). EMERGE is a joint-committee of EUSEM and the UEMS Section of Emergency Medicine. It is a two-part examination designed to confirm the candidate’s suitability for independent practice as an emergency physician within any country in the European Union. The examination assesses the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary for the clinical practice of Emergency Medicine at the level of the specialist or consultant engaged in independent practice. This confirms that the successful candidate is able to provide clinical leadership in the emergency department.


Why take the EBEEM?

The European Board exam has been running for many years now and has an increasing number of applications from a global range of countries, including many European countries. However there remain some concerns about the purpose of the Board exam and for some people uncertainty of the legal standing of the EBEEM.

There are clear advantages to the individual of success in the EBEEM:

  • Institutions may elect to require success in the EBEEM for specialist/ consultant appointment.
  • Institutions may utilise success in the EBEEM to differentiate between two applicants for the same post
  • Training authorities may use the EBEEM (preparation and success) as part of the criteria for the accreditation process of training sites
  • Individual departments may use success as a marker for promotion, e.g. for the successful candidate to be promoted to head of the department
  • Countries without an existing formal exit exam may choose to use the EBEEM as their final exam for completion of training
  • Success in Part A can be used as in-training evaluation to assess the progress of trainees in a training programme
  • Training programmes may use success in the EBEEM to validate their training programme

 This is a European exam with focus on European candidates. To ensure that the focus is maintained on Europe we encourage as many European trainees as possible to participate.


Status of European postgraduate medical assessments

Regarding the legal standing of these postgraduate medical exams, the "UEMS-CESMA Guideline for the organisation of European postgraduate medical assessments" states:

  • European postgraduate medical assessments are to be considered as a quality mark unless otherwise recognised by a national competent authority (NCA). Unless full NCA recognition has been obtained, the European postgraduate medical assessments will be considered complementary to the national examination.
  • European postgraduate medical assessments will facilitate mobility of medical practitioners throughout the European Union (EU) by assessing specialist knowledge at an agreed EU standard. Furthermore, the European examinations will enable benchmarking of candidates against their European colleagues in other EU countries.
  • However, passing a European postgraduate medical assessment will NOT imply a licence to practise. It is only the NCA that will be able to provide such a licence. Nevertheless, where full NCA recognition of a qualification applies, the European postgraduate medical assessments may provide a means for the NCA to determine eligibility for a licence to practise.

This statement is written by the members of EMERGE and designed to help Emergency Physicians in Europe to understand the importance and value of taking this specialist exam in Emergency Medicine. This is particularly relevant for countries where there is currently no exit exam at the end of training.

Success in the EBEEM does not confer a legal right to work as either a non-specialist (general medical registration) or specialist in any of the European countries (as you can see in the UEMS-CESMA guidelines). This is still dependent on the requirements of the national competent authorities.



The full EBEEM exam, Part A and Part B, is the official exit exam of EM specialty training in Malta.

The Part A exam is the official theoretical part of the exit exam of EM specialty training and supra specialty training in Flanders, Belgium.


Part A



 Exam day:  
         Friday 14 March 2025       
    Friday 12 September 2025    
Applications periode:
          15 December 2024 - 15 January 2025          
 17 May -  17 June 2025


About Part A Exam

Part A exam assesses the knowledge base for Emergency Medicine practice, including basic sciences applied to Emergency Medicine.

Part A exam is the official theoretical component of the exit exam for EM specialty training and supra specialty training in Flanders, Belgium. While the complete EBEEM exam is the official exit exam for EM specialty training in Malta.



  • Duration: 5 hours. Two papers of 2 hours, separated by a 1hour break.
  • Format: 200 “Single-Best” type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 
  • REMOTE participation: Part A is being held virtually on a dedicated online portal. The exam can be taken from any private place with a good and stable internet connection.
  • Eligibility criteria: All candidates (trainees and non-trainees) must have 18 months experience in Emergency Medicine to be eligible to apply for Part A EBEEM. More details on the eligibility page.
  • Preparing for the exam: visit the EUSEM Academy to access webcasts, learning quizzes and e-learning modules, and check our “Preparing for the EBEEM exam” page.



  • Pre-registration fee : €100 (non-refundable administrative fee)
  • Exam fees : detailed on the fees’ page (discount available for members)


How to apply

Before starting an application, carefully read the EBEEM eligibility requirementsregulations, terms and conditions and preparation guidance.

Step 1 to 4 must be completed before the application deadline

  • Step 1:  Go to your MyEUSEM account or create one (free) https://eusem.org/register
  • Step 2: Click on the “Apply” button at the top of this page
  • Step 3: Fill in the requested information and pay the 100€ pre-registration fees (non-refundable administrative fee).
  • Step 4: Once you’ve paid the 100€ admin fee, you will receive a confirmation email in which you will find a link to submit the following documents.
    • Copy of passport
    • CV in English
    • Current medical licence to practice by National governing body (example: GMC, SCFHS…)
    • The Candidate supervisor form with months in Emergency Medicine, signed by supervisor/head of department/clinical lead/head of training programme. Please use the specific form and underline how many years of experience in the EM you have (minimum 18 months)
    • Evidence of CPD over the past 2 years for non-trainees only


  • Step 5: Your application will now be reviewed. If successful, you will receive a confirmation two weeks after the application period closes.
  • Step 6: Pay the tuition fees. Details on the fees’ page


Resit and Transfer Candidates

Candidates will be entitled to re-apply for the examination for six (6) attempts, each Part A and B, including the first attempt.





Part B

 Part B Candidate Feedback from November 2023 exam is accessible HERE 

Part B EXAM 2025 - Application for PArt B - June 2025 - Now open

 Exam days:  
        Friday 13 and Saturday 14 June  2025       
    Friday 21 and Saturday 22 November  2025
Applications periode:
         01 March - 01 April 2025
01 Septembre - 01 October 2025


exam objectives

Part B assesses the clinical skills, behaviours and knowledge required for independent practice in adults and children, including pre-hospital care as described in the curriculum. Any presentation or diagnosis that is referenced in the curriculum may be included in the examination material. This part of the examination presents scenarios to the candidate, who is expected to manage the scenarios. The scenarios encompass a range of situations, including:

  • Leadership of resuscitation
  • Discussion of difficult situations with simulated patients, relatives, and staff
  • Interpretation of clinical data and discussion of management plans by structured oral questioning
  • Education and training of others around clinical situations


Part B exam format: starting from November, the exam will be conducted only through oral examinations (SOEs).    More details can be found in the "Format and Structure" section. 


New Format and Structure - Starting From November 2024

Duration: 2 hours


  • Virtual exam (via zoom). The exam can be taken from any private place with a good and stable internet connection (no exam center corrdinated by EUSEM).
  • 6 Structured Oral Examinations (SOEs) of 20 minutes each (5minutes preparation / 15minutes examination)
  • Each station or scenario is judged independently. There is a minimum of two examiners present at each station.

Completion : Candidates who pass both parts of the exam will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony at EUSEM'S annual European Congress on Emergency Medicine.

Candidates are allowed a maximum of six (6) attempts in total for each part of the exam.

The Part B exam should be completed within 4 years of successful Part A completion.



  • Pre-registration fee : €100 (non-refundable administrative fee)
  • Exam fees : detailed on the fees’ page (discount available for members)

EUSEM membership discount is only applicable if it was purchased before exam registration. No refunds will be made if membership has been purchased later.


How to APPLY

Before starting your application, be sure that you've read the eligibility criteria, regulations and terms and conditions and preparation guidance and code of conduct.

Step 1 to 4 must be completed before the application deadline

Important: limited seats available, spots will be fill-in on a first come first served basis.

  • Step 1: Connect to your MyEUSEM (using the same account as for Part A)
  • Step 2: Click on the “Apply” button at the top of this page
  • Step 3: Fill in the requested information and pay the 100€ pre-registration fees (non-refundable administrative fee).
  • Step 4: Once you’ve paid the 100€ admin fee, you will receive a confirmation email in which you will find a link to submit the following documents.
    • Result of Part A 
    • Copy of passport
    • CV in English
    • Current medical licence to practice by National governing body (example: GMC, SCFHS…)
    • Candidate supervisor form with months in EM, signed by supervisor/head of department/clinical lead/ head of training programme including EM Months (Evidence of having worked for at least 60 months full time in EM)*
    • Copy of EM diploma or Evidence of enrolment with an EM training programme that includes: Country of EM training programme and Scheduled date of end of training
  • Step 5: Your application will now be reviewed. If successful, you will receive a confirmation two weeks after the application period closes.
  • Step 6: Pay the tuition fees. Details on the fees’ page




Part A Exam

Pre-registration fee: €100 (non-refundable)

Exam fee:

  • EUSEM non-member: €600
  • Working in a country of which the national society is EUSEM member: €500
  • EUSEM member: €400
  • EUSEM member in training: €250 (not applicable to associate members)

Note: In order to  benefit from a reduced exam registration fee, candidates must apply for EUSEM membership before they register for Part A. There will be no refund or retroactive reimbursement.

Being a member means enjoying also other benefits, more info on the  EUSEM membership page


Part B Exam

Fees for the Part B exam are as follows:

Pre-registration fee: €100 (non-refundable)

Exam fee:

  • EUSEM non-member: €600
  • Working in a country of which the national society is EUSEM member: €500
  • EUSEM member: €450
  • EUSEM member in training: €300 (not applicable to associate members)

Note: In order to  benefit from a reduced exam registration fee, candidates must apply for EUSEM membership before they register for Part B. There will be no refund or retroactive reimbursement.

Being a member means enjoying also other benefits, more info on the  EUSEM membership page


EMERGE committee members

The operational development and implementation of the EBEEM is undertaken by the Emergency Medicine Examination Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE).


EBEEM Examiners

Next ONLINE Examiners Workshop - 03 April 2025

Application periode
    Workshop date   
open until 15 March 2025
Thursday 03 April 2025 - Online

More details on "How to apply", below.


 About the Workshop

During this full day of remote training, Emergency Medicine specialists are given the opportunity to develop and improve their skills as examiners for the European Board Examination for Emergency Medicine. It is also a unique opportunity to take on new roles, progress in your career and develop a European network of peers.

Format and Structure :

  • 1 full day remote training
  • Interactive training with demos, discussion and group work
  • Personalised feedback on the assigned preparatory work (see below)
  • Limited number of participants to facilitate discussion and interaction

Participants will learn about:

  • The principles of assessment and adult learning
  • What makes a good MCQ? From curriculum mapping, to selecting and writing questions
  • Review of the clinical tools used
  • Practice of Structure Oral Examination (SOE)

Preparatory work:

  • Before the workshop, participants will be asked to submit an assignment consisting of MCQs or an examination scenario

Administrative Fee:

  • €100 (non-refundable)


The EBEEM exam in short

The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) is a two-part examination designed to confirm the candidate’s suitability for independent practice as an Emergency Physician within any country in the European Union.

The EBEEM is a two-parts exam, Part A is a multiple-choice exam, and Part B is an oral exam (SOE).

More info about EBEEM exam on the main page


How to Apply and Become an Examiner?

  1. Be a EUSEM member
  2. To participate in an examiner workshop you will need :
  • a personal statement indicating your current responsibilities for training, education and assessment of others including instructor status, and evidence of examining elsewhere
  • a letter of support from clinical director/head of department permitting activity for examination and training, and confirming that you currently practice in Europe
  • evidence of recent Continuous Professional Development (CPD) (courses attended, lectures given, etc.)
  • a certificate of specialisation in EM and/or your registration number from the national register
  • a copy of your FEBEM or EBCEM certificate
  • the signed EBEEM Examiner Responsibilities Agreement (click to download)


Who should apply ?

Essential criteria:

  • Must be in active practice in Emergency Medicine (including paediatrics) as a specialist / consultant in Europe, full time for the last 3 years
  • Must be doctors recognised as specialist/consultant or equivalent in Emergency Medicine in the country where they trained, or the European country in which they work
  • Must have evidence of up to date continuing professional development in the last three years
  • Must be able to demonstrate competence and credibility in assessing the performance of trainees including evidence in, and experience of, competency-based assessment
  • Must have support from their head of department to undertake the examination work (minimum of four days each year)
  • Must be fluent in written and spoken English
  • Must be a Member in good standing of EUSEM

Desirable criteria:

  • Has completed a training programme in Emergency Medicine, including paediatrics
  • Has completed a postgraduate qualification related to Emergency Medicine and have the FEBEM or EBCEM qualification
  • Can provide evidence of teaching and training junior doctors in Emergency Medicine, including paediatrics


  • The form and evidence will be reviewed by the EBEEM exam board, the Emergency Medicine Examinations Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE), and proposed to the UEMS Section for Emergency Medicine for endorsement



Examiners play a crucial role in determining the appropriate standard for the examination and setting the pass mark at the right level.

Examiners must therefore be active in Emergency Medicine in Europe and also understand the purpose of the EBEEM, be familiar with the assessment tools and have training in the application of those tools to the required standard.

Examiners are responsible for:

  • Producing educational content

- writing 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) per year for the Part A Exam

OR designing 1 clinical station for the Part B Exam per year

  • Taking part in the preparation of the EBEEM exam (preparatory meetings and rehearsals)
  • Actively participating in the EBEEM exams, first as observer then as examiner (minimum of 4 days over 2 years/4 diets)
  • Teaching on future Examiner Training workshops


Preparing for the exam

Candidates are strongly advised to prepare adequately for the examination by following the European Curriculum of Emergency Medicine, and by consulting current Emergency Medicine textbooks, as well as current important international guidelines. Candidates should note that the examination primarily uses the latest edition of Judith Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide as the reference text, as well as

  • ESC guidelines since 2010: Atrial fibrillation, ACS non-ST elevation, acute cardiac failure
  • SIGN guidelines since 2010: antithrombotics
  • NICE guidelines since 2010: epilepsy, acute GI bleeding, venous thromboembolic disease, headaches, anaphylaxis
  • European Resuscitation Council guidelines since 2010
  • Ultrasound-specific resources: Ma, Mateer, Blaivas: "Emergency Ultrasound", McGraw Hill

​EBEEM candidates and their training instructors should become familiar with the European Curriculum that is approved by the UEMS Board. Emergency Medicine European Training Requirements - 2024.

More information about th European Curriculum on the dedicated page

Also see the sample multiple choice questions, of the type you would expect to find on the Part A exam.

Additional resources: www.lucem.info provides a structured way to assess patients with a given chief complaint, it incorporates some clinical decision rules to evaluate the probability of certain diagnoses, and a stepwise approach to specific procedures and examinations.


EUSEM's Education Committee developed the document Curriculum+. This is a list of free online learning materials based on the Curriculum.

Find it here 

EUSEM Academy

EUSEM launched an e-learning platform, the EUSEM Academy, with webcasts, learning quizzes and e-learning modules. 

There is a special section that focuses on e-learning modules that are based on the curriculum. The contents will grow steadily with every EUSEM congress.

Only EUSEM members have access to the full content, but also some content is freely available if you create a free MyEUSEM account. 


EBEEM Regulations and Terms and Conditions

EBEEM Regulations

The regulations provide the formal framework whereby the examination will be conducted. All potential candidates should read the regulations carefully before applying.  You can read the regulations here..

On a regular basis QA processes are undertaken for the EBEEM exam to assure that all results have been properly administered.
Thanks to the regular QA process, candidates should be reassured by this transparent process.

 Appeal procedures

If you want to know how to make an appeal, please read the process HERE

You can make an appeal by filling in THIS FORM

Post-nominal usage regulations

Fellow of the European Board of Emergency Medicine (FEBEM)

The title Fellow of the European Board of Emergency Medicine (FEBEM) will be awarded to individuals who have met the following criteria:

  • Successful completion of Parts A and B of the European Board Examination for Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) and
  • Be on the last year of training or have completed a specialist training in Emergency Medicine in a European country that recognises Emergency Medicine as a primary specialty/supra specialty and is a full member of the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) ​at the time of the exam

Please find the list of countries with specialist training and how many years and the list of UEMS members

All of the above criteria must be met in order for a candidate to use the post nominals: FEBEM

European Board Certified in Emergency Medicine (EBCEM)

If the criteria for FEBEM are not met in full, the title European Board Certified in Emergency Medicine (EBCEM) will be awarded to individuals who have met the following criteria:

  • Successful completion of Parts A and B of the European Board Examination for Emergency Medicine (EBEEM).

Candidates who meet the above criteria may use the post nominals: EBCEM

PLEASE NOTE: the certificate is based on your situation at the time of EBEEM examination. If you received EBCEM and you finish your European training programme more than 1 year later, you won't get an updated FEBEM certificate. The only way to get a FEBEM in that case is to take the exam again.

Official authentication of UEMS diploma


In order for a UEMS diploma to be officially authenticated in countries requiring such procedure, it must be signed by the legal representative of a Belgian legal entity, whose signature can be authenticated by a Belgian Civil Officer. In this regard, we liaised with the notary of the UEMS, who has accepted to validate the signature of a legal representative of the UEMS.

In the past years, diplomas were signed by UEMS Secretary General, Prof. Vassilios Papalois. This year, the UEMS Executive commissioned Dr Bernard Maillet, UEMS treasurer, for this procedure.

If applicants are interested, here is the procedure to follow:

  1. The applicant sends the following documents to the UEMS Office (Ms Marianne Chagnon, Rue de l’Industrie 24, 1040 Brussels, BELGIUM):
  • The original UEMS diploma (please note that only diplomas issued by UEMS can be authenticated)
  • A copy of the UEMS diploma
  • A copy of a valid ID or passport
  1. The applicant sends a scanned copy of his diploma and ID by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details of postal address to which we will return the signed document. Please put as subject of the email “Authentication of UEMS Diplomas – supporting documents”. Provide details on the date you passed the exam and the medical specialty.
  2. The UEMS Office will then contact the organizers of the examination to confirm that the applicant has indeed passed the exam.
  3. The UEMS Office will organize a meeting with the Notary to have the confirmed Diplomas signed.
  4. The UEMS Office will then send back the original diplomas to the applicants or to someone duly mandated.

The administrative fee for this procedure is 110€. The sending costs of returning diplomas is also at the candidate’s charge. Please indicate in your mail whether you would like your diploma to be sent back to you by regular mail (up to 10€) or by courier (60€).

Once the Diploma is signed, we will issue an invoice and ask you to pay by bank transfer. Once the payment is received, we will return the document back to you.

We kindly ask you to inform any fellows who would be interested in getting their diplomas authenticated.

Please note that this is not the legalization of the diploma but a certification of authenticity. Indeed, the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs no longer legalizes UEMS diplomas because they are not delivered by a Belgian institution. The meeting with the Notary is an authentication that the diploma has been signed by a UEMS Representative and a confirmation that the document is officially genuine.


Terms and Conditions


By submitting the application I acknowledge and agree that:

  • I must pay the full application fee for each sitting I attempt
  • I may withdraw from the examination no less than 8 weeks prior to the date. I understand that if I withdraw less than 8 weeks prior to the exam date, I will not be entitled to a seat transfer, unless evidence for serious illness is provided within two weeks. The seat transfer is only valid for the next exam seating and is not refundable.
  • I understand that if my seat is transferred to another date, I will be responsible for paying the difference in fee if there is an increase. The 100 € pre-registration fee has to be paid at each re-sit and is not refundable.
  • I understand that if the examination is cancelled for national security reasons, that neither EBEEM nor EUSEM nor the UEMS Section for Emergency Medicine is responsible for loss or costs incurred.
  • I require a PC or Macintosh with a Windows 10 operating system for PC and for MAcOS 10.13-16 with a strong and stable internet connection, integrated or separate webcam, microphone and speakers and a continuous power supply.
  • I am aware that I will be monitored remotely to detect any suspicious assessment misconduct by Artificial Intelligence and remote proctoring.
  • I am aware that besides the exam application software, no other websites / internet resources / search engines / apps / programmes / books / paper documents maybe used or be open.
  • I am aware that I am not allowed to take screenshots or make any video recording of any portion of the exam.
  • I am aware that the ID check and the Candidates’ Briefing prior to the examination are compulsory and I must arrive in time in order to be allowed to sit for the exam.
  • I am aware that no disconnection of any kind nor toilet breaks are permited while the examination is in progress.
  • I am aware that if I cannot provide the appropriate resources / computer equipment I will not be permitted to take the examination.


Eligibility requirements

Eligibility Requirements


Please note that candidates are allowed a maximum of six (6) attempts in total for each part of the exam.

Part A Exam


All candidates (trainees and non-trainees) must have 18 months experience in Emergency Medicine to be eligible to apply for Part A EBEEM. For trainees only, this can include experience in other relevant areas such as intensive care if this is part of their training programme. The examination is based on the European Training Requirements, which are approved by the UEMS.

The applicants must provide the following documents:

  • Copy of passport*
  • CV in English*
  • Current medical licence to practice by National governing body (example: GMC, SCFHS…)*
  • Candidate supervisor form with months in Emergency Medicine, signed by supervisor/head of department/clinical lead/head of training programme. Please use the specific form and underline how many years of experience in the EM you have (minimum 18 months)*
  • Evidence of CPD over the past 2 years for non-trainees only

* = Compulsory

Part B exam

To have passed the EBEEM Part A Exam within the previous four years.


And one of the following:

1. To be at least at the end of a minimum 5-year training programme in Emergency Medicine that is following the European Curriculum

2. To be working full time in an emergency department for at least 5 years and recognised by the National Government of the country as a specialist in Emergency Medicine

3. For physicians working in countries where the specialty of Emergency Medicine does not yet exist: to be working in Emergency Medicine for at least 5 years and to provide evidence in a portfolio of competence in the full range of the curriculum. This may consist of a combination of logbook cases, evidence of continuing professional development (courses, e-learning) or evidence of training delivered in a range of topics, audit projects, etc.


Required documents:
  • Result letter of passing Part A*
  • Copy of passport*
  • CV in English*
  • Current medical licence to practice with Medical registration number by governing body (example: GMC, SCFHS…)*
  • Candidate supervisor form with months in EM, signed by supervisor/head of department/clinical lead/ head of training programme including EM Months (Evidence of having worked for at least 60 months full time in EM)*
  • Copy of EM diploma or Evidence of enrolment with an EM training programme that includes: Country of EM training programme and Scheduled date of end of training

 * = Compulsory