Sections & committees

Disaster Medicine Section


After the tragedy of 9/11, interest in Disaster Medicine increased significantly around the world and specific response, preparedness, prevention, rehabilitation and mitigation of natural and manmade disasters became of common interest to most Emergency Physicians. EUSEM had already made reference to Disaster Medicine in its 1998 Manifesto. The Disaster Medicine Section was officially established in Munich in September 2008.

What is Disaster Medicine?

In the case of a major incident, a natural disaster or other special circumstances, specialists in Emergency Medicine would normally lead the organisation of medical care. It is thus essential that members of the specialty participate in disaster planning at local, regional, national and international levels. However, the difference between Emergency Medicine in normal circumstances and Emergency Medicine in special circumstances (Disaster Medicine) is more than just a matter of degree. A disaster is a situation with an imbalance between the immediate need for medical care and the resources available which is not the case in normal emergency medicine. Specific training in preparedness for disasters is thus required for all Emergency Physicians. Moreover, Disaster Medicine aims to study the epidemiology and the management of major incidents and disasters and to participate in the planning for such circumstances.

Mission Statement

  • To promote and disseminate Disaster Medicine knowledge in terms of research, education, preparedness and training
  • To create a Disaster Medicine ‘culture and language’ throughout Europe, thus enabling a uniform, trans-boundary response to mass casualty events
  • To sensitise emergency physicians to Disaster Medicine education, preparedness, prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation
  • To encourage their involvement and to raise the level of education, training and care.

Goals and Objectives

  • To be the point of reference for EUSEM members interested in cooperating in the development and the dissemination of the Section’s goals
  • To encourage physicians who practice Disaster Medicine to participate in EUSEM activities
  • To stimulate and implement the cooperation among EUSEM and its DM section on the one hand and other stakeholders, such as ‘groups of interest’ (WHO-Europe, Civil Protection Agencies and European Health Ministries, International Societies), and international bodies specifically dedicated to Disaster Medicine on the other
  • To be fully responsible for the academic programme of Disaster Medicine within scientific events organised or endorsed by the EUSEM
  • To initiate, promote, and disseminate educational activities in Disaster Medicine through courses, projects, establishment of clinical guidelines
  • To serve as peer reviewers for papers on Disaster Medicine submitted to the European Journal of Emergency Medicine
  • To actively help in the development of common, trans-national protocols which could be extremely useful throughout the European continent in case of natural or man-made disaster, with disaster specialists and operators speaking a common ‘language’
  • To foster the culture of Disaster Medicine, especially among emergency physicians, as core healthcare givers in case of disaster
  • To elaborate and promote a common curriculum in Disaster Medicine for Medical School undergraduates, as natural recipients, as well as future healthcare givers and Emergency Medicine residents, as future EM specialists
  • To establish an overview of the different Medical Schools curricula and EM residencies
  • To seek dialogue and interaction with other scientific EM/DM societies throughout Europe to better understand local problems and conditions.

Working Groups

In order to help understand, and promote studying certain specific issues, the Disaster Medicine section founded some Working Groups (WG) and Special Interest Groups (SIG): 

- Hospital Disaster Preparedness (HDP) WG

- Counterterrorism (CTM) WG

- Resilient Society WG

- Mass Gatherings SIG

- War and related issues (SIGOW).

Members and future members sharing these specific interests are invited apply to these groups. Please send email to info (at)



EUSEM Section of Geriatric Emergency Medicine


Emergency Medicine is implemented as a primary specialty in many countries in Europe and all over the world. Current pre-hospital, emergency department, and in-hospital services are typically configured around identifying single problems for direction through the most suitable ‘pathway’. Attention towards the more complex needs of older people having frailty remains low, despite them representing the most vulnerable and most rapidly expanding group of our population. 23 of the world’s 25 “oldest” countries are here in Europe.

Geriatric emergency medicine (GEM) draws on the specialist competences of both parent specialties, with practitioners attentive both to complexity and acuity. The emergence of this new subspecialty is reinforced by recent advances in research, training, and guidelines.

The mission of this EUSEM section is to develop GEM. Crucial to this is the collaboration between members within the EUSEM group and also with the corresponding section of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS). Combined, these two groups form the European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (ETGEM). ETGEM currently has three broad working groups for initiatives in education, quality, and research.

To receive updates, please contact the section chairs (links below right) or register for the ETGEM newsletter on


  • To propose guidelines and spread existing guidelines relevant to older people in pre-hospital care and emergency departments
  • To develop guidance on educational and service delivery programmes to improve care of older people in emergency departments
  • To develop collaboration with other societies active in influencing care of older people in emergency departments, including the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) and the International Federation for Emergency Medicine
  • Collaboration with geriatric emergency medicine chapters of other European and international organisations to propose quality improvement and clinical research studies on older people in the pre-hospital and ED settings
  • To consult, deliberate and provide guidance on definitions, scope of practice and terms of reference of geriatric emergency care in emergency departments
  • To define the emerging subspecialty of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (GEM) for member European countries


The principal goal of the section is to implement educational programmes on GEM for clinicians and allied health professionals.

  • Workshops on GEM during EUSEM congress
  • Joint session during the EUGMS congress
  • Representation of GEM in the European EM Curriculum
  • Educational media including a podcast series


The working group will:

  • Review and revise guidelines specifically related to the care of older people in pre-hospital and EDs
  • Publish a European book on GEM
  • Identify quality indicators for GEM
  • Collaborate with EM societies from North America and IFEM to bring a global vision on GEM


The working group will:

  • Publish a strategy for European GEM research
  • Contribute to the scientific programme at EUSEM and EuGMS conferences
  • Collaborate with societies from North America and IFEM to develop the GEM evidence base



Paediatric Branch

Check out the paediatric update to see the latest news from the branch: Click on this link


EUSEP Chair elections

All EUSEP members will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the management of our society this year 2024, as we prepare to elect a new chair.

If you possess the necessary knowledge, leadership skills, energy, and time for this position, we encourage you to submit your application promptly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 31, 2024. After this date, the election will be conducted virtually via EUSEM's website, and the results will be announced at the EUSEM Congress in Copenhagen.

The conditions of the application and the description of the different positions can be found in the Internal Regulations of EUSEM. Follow the link to access the document


Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) links the specialties of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine. In Europe, PEM is still regarded as a new medical profession. The EUSEM PEM Section was established in October 2006 with the goal of encouraging physicians who are practicing Emergency Pediatrics to join EUSEM and to be involved in its clinical, educational, and research activities.

Mission Statement

To promote and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and quality of care in PEM in Europe through meetings, courses, research, publications, policy statements, and by producing clinical guidelines and other activities.


  • To advocate for children and emergency care
  • To promote international collaboration between physicians who practice PEM and the various European Paediatric Emergency societies
  • To enhance the relationship between adult and paediatric EM


  • To encourage physicians who practice PEM to participate in EUSEM activities
  • To be fully responsible for the academic programme of the paediatric sessions in the annual EUSEM meetings/congresses
  • To initiate educational activities in PEM through courses, projects, and various clinical activities.


If you want to be involved we recommend you to become a EUSEM member. 

For further information and to express interest in joining the PEM Section, please contact the Section Chair:

Dr Itai Shavit

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Executive committee


Chair: Itai Shavit (Israel)

Zsolt Bognar, Hungary, 2021-2023

Luigi Titomanlio, France, 2019-2021

Niccolò Parri, Italy 2017-2019

Ian Maconochie, UK 2014-2017

Javier Benito Fernandez, Spain 2012-2014

Yehezkel Waisman, Israel 2006-2012


Pre-hospital Section


Pre-hospital emergency care is an integral part of emergency medicine and is extremely important as a first link in the chain of survival.

It should be available for all European citizens without any administrative or other barriers.

Pre-hospital emergency care demands specific scope of knowledge and skills from providers based on excellent knowledge and experience from work in Emergency Deaprtments as a clinical base of EM.

Despite different approaches within European countries the EUSEM Pre-hospital Section would like to develop pre-hospital emegency care and ensure the highest quality of performance all over Europe.

Our general goals are:

  • to discuss standards of management of medical conditions, diseases and traumas in the field
  • to improve quality of providing care including communication, team leadership and ethical considerations specific for pre-hospital care
  • to improve mutual knowledge of different systems of providing pre-hospital care and discuss their advantages, drawbacks, effectivity and safety for the patiens and communities
  • to develop specific education and training of providers of different levels including physicians
  • to implement pre-hospital topics into European EM examination
  • to develop research in the pre-hospital field
  • to join the preventive campaigns towards public themes, including teaching first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma prevention and others
  • to share knowledge between European countries

Accomplished Activities 2019

1. Prepare and send the proposals for the Scientific Program of 2019 EUSEM Congress:
First track: Pre-hospital intervention in special circumstances

  • avalanche/ mountains- Peter Paal
  • sea and islands area - Vitor Portugal
  • remote area vs city center - Diana

Second track: 

  • Technology dedicated to simulation in prehospital- Eric Revue
  • New Ethial challenges in pre-hospital EM – Jana Seblova 

2. Emergency Ultrasound Course- Iasi, Romania, 21-23 March 2019: organize & prepare the program, the venue, faculty (40 candidates)
3. Pre-hospital section meeting during the EUSEM Congress Prague – Sunday, 13 October. 
4. Partcipation Scientific Program for South East European Congress, Istanbul, 20-22 June 2019
5. Participation to the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Increased the number of the members of the section, including nurses, paramedics

Objectives for Next Five Years

1. Set-up a Survey relevant for Pre-hospital section and the results to be present during the next meeting, maybe prepare an article for publication in EJEM
2. Recruit new members for Pre-Hospital Section by sending  a letter to the National Society
3. Organize and put in place the next course together with Ultrasound section, in 2020
4. Prepare and support the proposal for Scientific Program for 2020 Congress
5. Prepare and submit pre-hospital topics for the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Work together with Co-Chair  Eric Revue: Pre Congress course with a simulation training program on damage control in pre-hospital condition and management of multiple victims in the ED.


Ultrasound Section

Terms of Reference

The EUSEM Ultrasound Section will work with and under the direction of the EUSEM Executive in achieving the overall aims and objectives of the society.

Role of the Section

The section aims to be truly representative of the scope of Emergency Medicine and more specifically Emergency Ultrasound as practiced in the European Emergency Medicine Community.


In addition to the general objectives of EUSEM, the objectives of this section are:

  1. Develop a European Curriculum for Emergency Ultrasound
  2. Establish guidelines and policies
  3. Provide a forum for discussion of Emergency Ultrasound in Europe
  4. Organize and deliver basic and advanced Ultrasound Courses
  5. Organize focused courses on specific topics (pre-hospital, pediatric, disaster, etc)
  6. Develop Ultrasound-based material for the European Exam
  7. Support US training in limited resources countries or countries without an established US training program by organizing local courses
  8. Promote and co-ordinate research throughout Europe in Emergency Ultrasound
  9. Establish partnership with other worldwide recognized POCUS networks/groups/societies, in order to expand US education and training in a unified international format
  10. US Courses accreditation

The Ultrasound Section will work within the regulations and bylaws of EUSEM. It will send an annual report to the EUSEM Council as well as a plan of activity for the following year.

Our planned activities for 2022 are:

  1. Development of the European US Curriculum
  2. Organize basic and advanced courses
  3. 2 webinars in collaboration with WINFOCUS (April-May 2022)
  4. Support Ukrainian colleagues on POCUS topics remotely


The annual meeting of the section will be held during the annual EUSEM congress. Tele-meetings will be organized during the year if required.

Membership of Section

All members of the Section must be current EUSEM members and annually renew their membership while being a member of the US Section.

In order to represent European Emergency Medicine, the Section will have at least one person from each country that is allied to EUSEM.

All members of the Ultrasound Section will have voting rights in electing a smaller Executive Group. The wider group will be involved in discussions and developments and be encouraged to contribute to all aspects of the areas they have experience in.

Executive Group

This group will consist of at least six members: Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Research Director, Educational Director and Secretary.

The President of EUSEM will be an ex-officio member.

This group, along with the Chair, will be subject to re-election every three years.


Young EM Doctors Section

Are you a young and enthusiastic Emergency Medicine professional?

Our vision

 Since EUSEM's foundation, European Emergency Medicine has undergone significant improvements.

 Residents are not only the future of the organization but also of the entire specialty. Their involvement is of paramount importance in shaping the future of Emergency Medicine. Together, we have the potential to take the lead and make significant progress!

our Mission

To improve contact between European EM residents and EUSEM; to promote research among European EM residents; to improve European EM resident training; to improve contact between European EM residents among Federation members; to advocate the recognition of EM as a basic specialty in European countries where this is not yet the case.


1. EUSEM Young Doctors fellowship
See here for details: YEMD Fellowship 

2. YEMD Refresher Courses

Every year several Refresher Courses are organised on different locations in Europe.
Updates are available here

3. YEMD track at the annual EUSEM Congress

Together with the Scientific Committee providing an opportunity for young EM doctors to be speakers at the EUSEM Congress.
The YEMD board consults the YEMD members on topics of interest to the young doctors.  

4. YEMD speed networking at the annual EUSEM congress 

Goals and Objectives

As a Young EM Doctors Section we would like to concentrate on the following goals and objectives:

1. Address the needs of EM residents

By having a representative in the EUSEM Council, we will improve contact between European EM residents and EUSEM. In this way EM residents will be able to present their views and concerns directly to the EUSEM Council.

2. Aid optimizing the specialist education in EM in Europe

European EM residents are at the centre of the EM curriculum. They are thus in a key position to help evaluate and improve the curriculum.
In the future, section representatives could help further develop the EM resident path at EUSEM congresses. EM residents should be motivated to participate in these congresses.

3. Promote genuine research among EM residents to enhance our scientific foundation

As a strong scientific foundation is crucial for our future, we would make it easier to create projects between different European EM departments by EM residents and give structural help to start this up.

4. Improve relationships and share experience between European EM residents

By creating a network of European EM residents (e.g. in the form of a mailing list) we will be able to improve relationships by making it easier to have contact with each other and share experiences.
During EUSEM and MEMC congresses, informal meetings will be created to improve networking between EM residents.

5. Advocate the recognition of EM as a basic specialty where this is not yet the case

Become an advocate for the recognition of EM as a new medical specialty in your European country, e.g. by addressing your national government. By various projects the EM resident section will help you achieve this goal.

Section board

Chair: Djan Meseli
Co-Chair: Isabelle Piazza
Fellowship Lead: Michela Cascio
Education lead: Eugenia Maria Muresan
Congress Track Lead: Anastasia Spartinou





Education Committee

Mission Statements

  • To promote local, frequent, scenario-based Emergency Medicine training in Europe
  • To promote checklists in order to align education with safe and efficient patient care

Training: Why Bother?

Clinical practice is essential but not sufficient to acquire and maintain the skills required of a specialist in Emergency Medicine (EM). Frequent training sessions are also essential. The aims of these sessions are to complement clinical practice by:

  • focusing on the recognition and management of serious, time-critical conditions that rarely present to the Emergency Department
  • practising procedures that are seldom performed in the emergency room
  • highlighting the results of new studies and the latest guidelines
  • discussing the links between symptoms, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic principles, ethics and logistics in order to develop the ability to solve new situations based on analogy
  • providing a forum to discuss complicated work-related situations and share strategies

Local Training

“Local” training refers to training sessions held locally and run by physicians belonging to local emergency programs. Local training is advantageous in several regards:

  • it minimizes transportation time and expenses and makes short, regular training sessions feasible
  • it provides a forum for reflection on and development of local practice, and facilitates the integration of education with clinical practice
  • it hones the teaching skills of local residents and specialists
  • it provides a forum where physicians in the program regularly meet

Constructive Alignment

EUSEM’s Education Committee wishes to promote the pedagogical model Constructive Alignment [1, 2] as a model well suited for EM training.  Constructive Alignment emphasizes:

  • engaging participants in learning activities (instead of having them listen to lectures)
  • aligning learning activities with the objective (the ability to deliver quality clinical care within the realm of EM) and with assessments (e.g. the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine)


A checklist is “an organized tool that outlines criteria of consideration for a particular process” [3].  Checklists are used in many industries to promote safety and efficiency [4].  Checklists are being increasingly used in medicine, and there are theoretical grounds to argue that checklists may promote safe and efficient care within the realm of EM.  Checklists may also be used as educational tools in order to align education with clinical practice and examinations, and give feedback during training sessions.


In light of our mission statements and material presented above, our strategies are as follows:

  • To provide on-line educational resources including checklists, a data-base of scenarios, links to educational resources and a model of scenario-based EM resident training (some of this material is currently available at
  • To deliver of a one-day EBEEM Part B preparation course twice a year.
  • To network with the EM community during the yearly EUSEM congress, other conferences, courses and meetings in order to inventory educational needs and resources and facilitate educational endeavours in Europe.

Gregor Prosen;

  1. Biggs, J., Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment. Higher Education, 1996. 32: p. 347-364.
  2. Biggs, J., Constructing learning by aligning teaching: constructive alignment, in Teaching for quality learning at university2003, Open University Press/Society for Research into Higher Education: Buckingham. p. 11-33.
  3. Hales, B., et al., Development of medical checklists for improved quality of patient care. Int J Qual Health Care, 2008. 20(1): p. 22-30.
  4. Gawande, A., The checklist manifesto : how to get things right2010, New York, N.Y., London: Metropolitan Books, Profile Books.


Ethics Committee


To coordinate the ethics-related activities of the Society.


  •  Increasing awareness among EUSEM members and emergency physicians in Europe on ethical issues as they apply to the practice of Emergency Medicine; 
  •  Assisting members addressing dynamic ethical issues that confront the practice of EM by:


  • serving as an educational resource

  • developing content for use in educational programs

  •  helping in the development of the curriculum regarding the teaching of ethics

  •  overseeing ethics-related activities which will promote the Society’s standards of ethical conduct


  • guidance on approval from hospital ethics committee

  • developing guidelines on the ethics of clinical research and its funding

  • advising on the ethics of authorship, of subjects’ rights on informed consent and publication.


  • identifying ethical issues pertaining to technology and industry.


Professional Committee

Mission Statement

  • Assessment of the state of emergency care in European countries
  • Promotion and support of the development of Emergency Medicine (EM) as a primary specialty, including national and European policy level
  • Career development of emergency physicians (excepting continuous education, which is dealt with by the Educational Committee)
  • Support of professional health and job satisfaction
  • Liaison to other EUSEM groups and external organisations regarding professional issues.

Updated definition of Emergency Medicine in Europe

Emergency Medicine is a primary specialty established using the knowledge and skills required for the prevention1 diagnosis and management2 of urgent and emergency aspects of illness and injury, affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders.

This includes organizing the proper medical response for patients looking for urgent medical care.

Time and timing in this setting may be critical either from a medical or from the patient’s point of view.

The practice of Emergency Medicine3 encompasses the in-hospital as well as out-of-hospital4 triage, resuscitation, initial assessment, telemedicine and the management of undifferentiated urgent and emergency patients until discharge or transfer to the care of another health care professional.

1 Prevention: also includes injury prevention, preparedness for disaster, as well as public health education.

2 Management encompasses the local service organization as well as the development of systems to provide EM care.

3 Primarily hospital-based

4 This applies to out-of-hospital emergency care, disasters and includes other urgent medical care systems outside hospitals.


Chair of the Professional Committee: Dr. Jan Stroobants



Research Committee

Research in Emergency Medicine is a challenging task. The EUSEM Research Committee is committed to promoting and conducting high-quality research through

  • EUSEM Research Projects
  • Collaborative Projects
  • EUSEM working groups

EUSEM Research Projects

The EUSEM Research Committee aims to create a network of research centres which will have a core workforce able to produce research projects that meet the expectations of EU agencies.

The following initiatives are recommended:

  • An annual research project decided upon at the annual EUSEM congress and completed within one or two years
  • Funding applications for the selected project should be submitted to national and European research agencies and companies.

Ideal topics for the EUSEM research programme should be questions of high priority and clinical interest for Emergency Medicine which will benefit from designs using multicentre studies with a great variety of participating centres and large patient numbers.

Some possible research topics for discussion:

  • Severe trauma registries
  • Cardiac arrest registries
  • Benchmark methodology in the ED and EMS
  • Syncope registry
  • Use of clinical scores at EU level

Multicenter clinical questions of importance that need simple interventions, but large number of patients:

  • Should we use oxygen with bag-valve mask ventilation in out of hospital cardiac arrest?
  • Should we give oxygen for patients with chest pain, NSTEMI or STEMI?
  • Optimal analgesic use for common problems (chest pain, musculoskeletal pain, etc.)?
  • Optimal timing of antibiotics in sepsis
  • Optimal type and volume of fluids for rehydration of gastroenteritis
  • Optimal type and volume of fluids in sepsis

Collaborative Projects

Collaborative Projects are research projects which require partners. The EUSEM Research Committee aims to facilitate the search for partners and supports all participants.

The Committee welcomes proposals for collaborative projects. Initially, a brief description of the proposed project and a brief resume of the principal investigator should be submitted.

Working Groups

The EUSEM Research Committee aims to gather groups of experts into Working Groups. These Groups will be supported by EUSEM in their research activities.

The research committee welcomes proposals for Working Groups. Initially, a brief description of the objectives of the proposed Group and a brief resume of the principal investigator should be submitted.

For further details or to submit proposals for research projects or interest groups, please contact EUSEM office at:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you want to join a Working Group, please contact EUSEM office to apply to join any working group. To be eligible to join a WG you must be a EUSEM member. To apply for EUSEM membership, please click here.


Fellowship Committee


The role of the Fellowship Committee is to assess applications for EUSEM Fellowship.

Full Members of at least five years standing with the Society are encouraged to consider applying for Fellowship, the senior grade of the Society. The award of Fellowship is recognition of senior standing within the Society.

 See the list of Fellows and Honorary Fellows

Committee Members

Sabbe, Prof. Marc (Chair) Honorary Fellow Belgium
 Hogan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barbara   Honorary Fellow  Germany
Gaakeer, Dr Menno Member Netherlands
Maconochie, Dr Ian Member United Kingdom
Mortelmans, Dr Luc Fellow Belgium
Behringer, Prof Wilhelm (ex-officio) Honorary Secretary Germany
Connolly James (ex-officio) President  United Kingdom


PEM branche members






Ian Maconochie (Past-Chair)
Tom Beattie
Ruud Nijman
Ahmed Soliman
Mark Lyttle
Rodrick Babakhanlou  Manuel Dewez             
Mary Ryan               
Edward Snelson 
Shunmay Yeung           
Ami Parikh                     
Katy Letham






Javier Benito (Past-Chair) 
Borja Gomez             
Helvia Benito
Natalia Paniagua       
Santiago Mintegi
Roberto Velasco
Nieves De Lucas
Andrés González 
Carles Luaces-Cubells
Rafa Carles Marañón 
Alonso Cadena           
Jesus Payeras







Zsolt Bognar
Zsuzsanna Lefter
Gábor Simon               
Fodor Laszlo








Niccolò Parri (Past- Chair)
Silvia Bressan
Liviana Da Dalt
Marco Daverio
Francesca Bronzini
Martina Giacalone
Idanna Sforzi
Emanuale Castagno 
Maria Paola Vardeu   
Marta Romanengo     
Paolo Biban           
Francesco Martinolli 
Fabio Midulla             
Annamaria Musolino   
Lorenzo Zanetto         
Maria Chiara Supino     
Rossella Colosso   
Deborah Snijders







Espiona Pinky-Rose
Susanne Greber-Plats






Lia Gata
Ricardo Fernandes






Alain Gervaix           
Annick Galetto Lacour
Johan Siebert
Sergio Manzano
Julia Höffe
Laurence Lacroix
Ruth Löllgen
Celine Rey-Bellet           
Cyril Sahoun






Alexandra Petrovska







Barbara Hogan 
Christoph Bidlingmaier







Felix Kreier
Dorine Borensztajn
Dorien Geurts
Henriette Moll
Rianne Oostenbrink
Paolo Valerio






Ylle Uustalu






Dace Zavadska       
Pucuka Zanda            







Geetanjali Srivastava






Ioannis Orfanos   
Gabriella Eisler       
Ingunn Olafsdottir     
Karin Wiebe






Dave Walker 






Diana Moldovan
Mihai Gafencu







Itai Shavit                       
Ron Berant             
Yehezkel Waisman     
Eran Mashiach






Nadeem Qureshi






Luigi Titomanlio (Chair) Gerard Cheron
Francois Angoulvant
François Dubos
Christele Le Guen
Sandrine Leroy
Jean-Chistophe Mercier 
Johan Personnic       
Alexis Rybak         
Laurence Morin         
Julien Le Coz             
Fawzia Belaidi






Said Hachimi-Idrissi
Patrick Van de Voorde







Teksam Ozlem           
Eylem Saz Ulas
Anil Murat                   
Deniz Tekin                   
Hayri Levent Yilmaz
Caner Turan               
Murat Duram             
Alkan Bal                     
Aykut Caglar             
Damla Hanalioglu           
Ali Yurtseven             
Ahmet Ziya Birbilen
Ahmet Haki Turkdemir






Linas Darginavicius
Simona Sabulyte         
Lina Jankauskaite


flag of malta





Ruth Farrugia


flag of ireland





Ronan O'Sullivan



flag of greece





Iliana Christaki



PEM Section Structure

The Executive Committee is composed by

  • Chair of the section
  • Chair-Elect
  • Past-Chair

The Extended Executive Committee consists of:

  • Executive Committee
  • Chair of the Special Interest Group on Curriculum Development
  • Chair of the Special Interest Group on Education

The PEM section of the EUSEM consists of:

  • Extended Executive Committee
  • Members of the Pediatric Section up to date with the payment of the annual membership fee

All components of the PEM section should be up to date with the annual EUSEM membership fee.

Become a member!




Paediatric Emergency Medicine in Europe

Paediatric Emergency Medicine is still not recognized as a formal subspecialty in many European Countries. We are constantly working to update and enrich the European Paediatric Emergency Curriculum. This document serves as a guide for paediatricians who wish to work in emergency departments, as well as for general emergency physicians who have to deal with paediatric emergencies and require further training.

The last version of the European PEM Curriculum can be found here.

Status of Paediatric Emergency Medicine in the European Countries represented in the Section:  

Belgium – PEM not recognized

France – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

Hungary – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

Italy – PEM not recognized. The 5 years paediatric training program allow residents who want to become PEM specialist to spend the last 2 years of their training program in the PED.

Portugal – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

Spain – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

The Netherlands – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

Turkey – PEM not recognized (comment to be added by national representatives)

UK – PEM formally recognized

Israel – PEM formally recognized


PEM education and events

The European Training Requirements in Paediatric Emergency Medicine has been approved by UEMS.

The syllabus intends to:

  1. Harmonise training programmes in PEM between different European countries
  2. Establish clearly defined standards of knowledge and skill required to practice PEM at the tertiary care level
  3. Foster the development of a European network of competent tertiary care centres for PEM
  4. Improve the level of care for children who attend Emergency Departments (EDs).

Read the syllabus here.


Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome: Statement by the Pediatric Section of the European Society for Emergency Medicine and European Academy of Pediatrics

Read the article here

The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Database links to recent studies and journal articles:


The PEM section is organising a series of webinars in the light of COVID-19. 

The first edition was held on April 7. Topic: Guidance on COVID-19 in Paediatrics.

It was a very interesting review of the state of the art including Clinical Presentation and Treatment & Diagnostics in Children, followed by sharing experiences from highly impacted countries; France, Italy and Spain.

Please find the recording here on the EUSEM Academy

If you login to the Academy with your EUSEM account, you can contribute to the forum and share experiences there or suggest topics for the next webinar.


1st edition PEM newsletter

2nd edition PEM newsletter


Get involved!

We want you.

Are you interested in Paediatric Emergency Medicine?

Do you want to give your contribution to promote Paediatric Emergency Medicine?

Do you want to connect with a wide group of enthusiastic physicians all around Europe?

Do you want to play a critical role in advancing this Section?

The Paediatric Section of the EUSEM includes a network of emergency medicine and paediatric emergency medicine doctors who deliver emergency care in their own countries, and collaborate together to improve paediatric emergency care in Europe.

All the good things we realize are possible because of our members’ passion, work and involvement in the activities of the Section. The Section is growing and is getting more interest through Paediatricians, Paediatric Scientific Societies and Emergency Physicians. The awareness of Paediatric Emergency Medicine is increasing in the whole Emergency Medicine specialty. 

However, there is still so much work to do! Our Special Interest Groups are always looking for more members.

If you’re a member of the Paediatric Section and would like to play a role in promoting or advancing paediatric emergency medicine or if you want to submit your idea to improve the activities of the Section, we encourage you to contact us.

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PEM Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are commissions created to develop, promote, update all the functions and relations of the Paediatric Section of the EUSEM. All SIGs have a responsible that participates in the Extended Executive Committee. The term of office is the same as for the Chair of the section, and is renewable only once. Members with special interests or competences can be invited by the Executive Committee to join or lead a SIG.

Special Interest Group – Curriculum Development

Responsible dr. Ruud Nijman, UK

The group is founded to develop, maintain and update a series of curricula in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM). The target audience for the curriculum are mainly but not only nations with an emerging PEM work force.

SIG general objectives:

  • Design focused PEM emergency medicine curricula for the spectrum of emergency medicine
  • Design curricula suitable for the specific needs of various cultures, geographical areas and nations.
  • Review and modify standing curricula as required.
  • Prepare an annual report for the annual meeting and dissemination
  • Act as an advisory and consultancy group to member nations seeking consultation on the development of emergency medicine content and specialty training across the educational continuum.

Priorities for 2019-2020:

1. Validation of our European Training Curriculum (ETR) by the UEMS.

The ETR has been approved in November by the UEMS (that’s a very good news!).
2019 European Training Requirements for training in Paediatrics Emergency Medicine 

2. To define auditing of national training centres to ensure ETR complaint

The Curriculum SIG is working on objective #2 by developing an european survey.

Special Interest Group – Education

Responsible: Roberto Velasco

The group is founded to provide educational and teaching material in emergency medicine (EM) clinical areas. The group should evaluate, amend and distribute the existing educational and teaching material (e.g course, workshop) while design and develop new educational opportunities for the EM community (e.g. on-line video, not existing courses).

SIG general objectives:

The special interest group in education will accomplish its purposes in the following manner:

  • Identify educational needs based on assessments from a variety of sources, including different national and CME requirements, board certification requirements, quality measures, test results, activity evaluations, surveys. Particular attention will be made to examine existing content for “high priority” clinical practice modules (i.e. resuscitation, trauma, sedation, etc.).
  • Design, implement, evaluate and revise educational activities that meet identified needs and enhance the pediatric section of the EUSEM position as the primary source for state-of-the-art pediatric emergency medicine education, including:
  • Alternative educational opportunities such as simulation courses for procedural competencies and skills 
  • Mobile and online courses and other activities that incorporate new learning technologies
  • Activities designed to help students, residents, and young physicians during early years of practice
  • Activities on the pediatric emergency medicine core content designed to reinforce cognitive expertise 
  • Try to pursue strategic partnerships with companies and sponsor that may contribute to the objectives of any educational program
  • Explore cost-efficient ways to provide education to international emergency physicians enhancing EUSEM PEM section expertise internationally
  • Work in conjunction with the Disaster Medicine Section of the EUSEM to develop pediatric topics in the existing mass casualty/disaster training
  • Work to include pediatric PSA in the existing PSA pre-course
  • Work in conjunction with the Ultrasound Section of the EUSEM to develop pediatric topics in the existing Ultrasound basic/advanced course.
  • Explore the feasibility of a pediatric trauma course that should be run separately or in conjunction with the advanced pediatric emergency course (APEC).
  • Cooperate with other European pediatric groups and Societies and explore the possibility to provide advanced pediatric emergency training for general pediatricians and nurses.

Priorities for 2019-2020

1. To develop within the EUSEM, for the EUSEM but also for other societies (e.g. the EAP) specific PEM courses: POCUS, Procedural sedation and analgesia, Trauma

2. Future EUSEM congess organization. We will have more pediatric tracks in Copenhagen 2020, and the program should be prepared in advance.


Responsible: Ozlem Teksam

 Priorities for 2019-2020  

1. To continue the development of the facebook and twitter accounts in order to keep PEM members updated; improve the webpage of PEM in the Eusem site.

2. To be creative and answer to other questions raised by the members (e.g. How to involve nurses? How to interest students? And so on…).


Education subcommittee

The Education subcommittee is responsible for the review of the EUSEM Academy, our online educational platform. 

The objective is that slowly but steady the platform will cover all the subjects in the European Emergency Medicine curriculum with educational material. 

Till now most content came from the EUSEM Congress, where we record the sessions to turn them into webcasts and eLearning modules, but also guidelines and casestudies are added. We are constantly developping to make the platform in a very valuable tool for EBEEM preparation and for all EM students and physicians in general. 

EUSEM members have free access to all content with their EUSEM account as a benefit from their membership. Congress participants have access to all the Congress webcasts from that respective year. They have received their login details to the Congress registration email address.

Also free accessible content is available for you to have a sneak peak, so you can immediately have a look.

Please find the Academy here:






Toxicology Section


Toxicology an important field in Emergency Medicine.

Long term objectives of the section

Clinical Toxicology curriculum

To look at the existing curriculum for Emergency Medicine, and make a proposal for adaptation, if needed. We should also provide educational sources for toxicology and/or poisonings. The goal would be to guarantee that every emergency physician has a general knowledge of poisoning. In the future, we could think about an “advanced” curriculum for emergency physicians with a special interest in clinical toxicology.

Stimulate scientific and educational collaborations

Create synergy between members of different sections and committees to establish a research agenda on the EUSEM website and to work on the Curriculum+ to provide free online learning materials about Toxicology.

Stimulate scientific collaboration between EUSEM and EAPCCT

We  work closely together with the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT). One option could be to set up common guidelines, for example stocking antidotes. Also developing a guideline/recommendation for specific poisoning (target audience = emergency physicians) could be explored.

Explore the interest in an European AHLS course

In many countries an Advanced Hazmat Life Support course is mandatory for a lot of caregivers and governement personnel. Should we implement these courses in Europe, or rather develop an European alternative. This question could be further explored with EAPCCT.

Activities to Date

Toxicology e-course on cyanide poisoning on the EUSEM academy platform

EM Monthly Webinar: All you need to know about cyanide poisoning for 2023

EM Monthly webinar:Joint EUSEM-EAPCCT webinar onAll you need to know about ricin poisoning for 2023 

EM Monthly Webinar: Organophosphate pesticide poisoning: understanding the risks and improving its management

EM Monthly Webinar: Joint EUSEM EAPCCT Webinar on  Antidotes in an Emergency Setting




Paediatric update

Summary of REPEM recent activities and future plans

Rianne Oostenbrink, Silvia Bressan

REPEM has been promoting, connecting and supporting PEM research over many years now. The COVID pandemic has been a catalyst for a broader and more solid European participation to COVID-related studies, which are at present dominating the scene within the network. These very important studies, the survey on ED preparedness and response published last year in Annals of Emergency Medicine, and the ongoing EPISODES and ReSync studies (please see separate updates on these projects) have proved the ability of REPEM to provide a flexible and inclusive framework to ensure broadened participation in these initiatives of many PED across Europe.

REPEM and all its participating centers have been incredibly busy since last year in contributing to these fantastic projects, focusing time and efforts to have ethical procedures and agreements in place, and to the extensive data collection. This has proven challenging for some centres, but a great learning opportunity for all. REPEM has supported the leading investigators in the design and conduct of these projects gaining precious insight into challenges, limitations and barriers that hamper clinical research based on electronic medical records across European PED.

Based on the groundwork provided by EPISODES and its related projects, REPEM is now looking into funding opportunities with the vision to develop, in the long term, a European database of pediatric ED visits, which could be sustainable over time and accurately collecting information that is truly comparable across sites. This will be an important goal to achieve in the years to come, as it opens the possibility to robust, generalizable studies on the epidemiology and burden of paediatric ED presentations, variation in care and patient outcomes, best management of low frequency high stakes paediatric emergency conditions, as well as implementation of evidence base care for common less serious conditions.

A shorter-term goal is to restore and update the REPEM website under the EUSEM website by the end of this year. The REPEM website has been unfortunately taken down. We wish to thank Ron Berant from Israel for his work on the website until it was up and running.

A quick update on REPEM participation in PERN studies: the PAINT study led by Itai Shavit, from Israel, completed data collection at the end of March including 3,160 patients, making it the largest existing database of children presenting to the ED for intussusception. Well done Itai and the PAINT investigators! Suzanne Schuh from Canada is finalizing the protocol of a study examining specific aspects of practice variation in pediatric acute asthma. More information about opportunity for participation of REPEM centres will be posted through the REPEM email list.

Finally, we would like to remind everyone that REPEM accepts proposals for new studies twice a year (deadlines in June and December –on February 1 for 2022). Until the website is up and running again, if you are interested in submitting a proposal for the next deadline please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information on the submission process and forms to be used.

EUSEM supported EPISODES study symposium

Ruud Nijman

To celebrate the successful EPISODES study collaboration, a symposium on child health and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was hosted on February 16th 2021. A wide range of topics were discussed by several international expert speakers, expertly chaired by membes of the EPISODES study steering committee. There was an important and inspiring presentation providing the children’s perspectives of the pandemic by Dr. Emma Lim (UK). The ever impressive Dr. Damian Roland (UK) and Dr. Alasdair Munro (UK) had a debate about the how COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting social distancing measures, affected children adversely. We had expert discussions by Dr. Pieter Fraaij (NL) and Dr. Naim Ouldali (FR) providing the latest evidence on SARS-CoV-2 and the treatment of PIMS-TS. Dr. Ulrich von Both (GER) and Dr. Danilo Buonsenso (IT) spoke about the importance of including refugee children and young people, as well as lower and middle income countries in the global fight against COVID-19. Lastly, Prof. Henriette Moll (NL) shared her extensive eperiences on how to conduct multinational research in paediatric emergency medicine, with a focus on observational studies improving diagnostic strategies in children with fever. During the symposium we also presented the preliminary findings of the EPISODES study (Dr. Silvia Bressan (IT), Dr. Katy Rose (UK), D. Ruud Nijman (UK)). All presentations are still highly relevant, with, despite increasing vaccination rates in many European countries, the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing; they are freely accessible via the EUSEM online academy (!*menu=6*browseby=8*sortby=2*media=1*ce_id=1983)

EPISODES and ReSync study

Inspired by the enormous reduction in the number of children attending the emergency department during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EPISODES study was set up last year supported by EUSEM. By now, 42 institutions from 19 countries have joined the EPISODES study and its sub-study: the ReSync study. The EPISODES study will look at the outcomes, severity and patterns of presentations of children visiting emergency departments across Europe, and the impact that COVID-19 has had on acute illness in children. The ReSync sub-study will focus more closely on children with bronchiolitis. Preliminary findings of the EPISODES study have been presented at the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and the Royal College for Paediatrics and Child Health (UK). A manuscript on how each of the EPISODES study sites changed their local health care systems in response to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is currently under review (first author: Dr. Katy Rose, UK). Our Swedish colleagues, with Dr. Samuel Rhedin as first author, published their experiences in Acta Paediatrica , acknowledging the EPISODES study group.

REPEM Research session: European society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases

During the last ESPID conference (26-05-2021, Geneva) Silvia Bressan (IT), Rianne Oostenbrink (NL), Henriette Moll (NL), and Ruud Nijman (UK) organised a 90 minutes virtual research session on behalf of the Research in European Paediatric Emergency Medicine (REPEM) network. The REPEM is the formal section of the European Society of Emergency Medicine responsible for research in paediatric emergency medicine; and all EUSEP members are strongly encouraged to sign up for the REPEM research newsletter and activities. The ESPID research session was a unique opportunity to discuss ways of improving research in paediatric emergency medicine and infectious diseases. More than 150 delegates attended the research session, with many dedicated to taking level of academic paediatric emergency medicine to the next step.


Roberto Velasco

This year, from SIG Education, together with REPEM, our Research Network, we have started a collaboration with the journal of our Society, the European Journal of Emergency Medicine. This initiative will consist of the publication of a series of brief papers that will review the main novelties in pediatric emergency medicine. These documents are intended to spread the knowledge of our specialty, as well as being an opportunity for young researchers to make their first publications. We hope to submit four papers per year, and the first of them, by Danielle McCollum, about mental health in the pediatric emergency department, can now be read as published ahead-of-print form.

The response of the members of our society has been fantastic, and today there are already papers scheduled until 2023, which demonstrates the scientific health of EuSEP.

After last year's virtual experience our 2021 annual congress was presential. We celebrated it, with a really interesting pediatric track, with very diverse topics, treated by the best experts in the field, both from Europe and from the US and Australia. In addition, to the already classic and always in demand APEC course, directed by Said Idrissi, this year two other pre-congress courses were added: a course on analgesia and sedation, which was directed by Itay Shavit, and a POCUS course, directed by Niccolò Parri. With all these directors, the quality of the courses is more than guaranteed.

Check out the newsletters that have been published this year:

1st edition: PEM newsletter

2nd edition: PEM newsletter


Research in European Pediatric Emergency Medicine

REPEM logoREPEM is the European Research Network for Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Following worldwide initiatives, the Research in European Paediatric Emergency Medicine (REPEM) network was founded in 2006 to improve emergency care for children in Europe, enabling the dialogue between members and to perform joined research activities in Europe and globally.

The network currently consists of 69 partners from 20 European countries. In Europe we collaborate with the United Kingdom and Ireland who have founded their own research network. PERUKI and Spain (RiSEUP). In the global scene we collaborate through PERN with our oversea partners from Canada (PERC) the United States (PECARN and PEM CRC), Australia (PREDICT) and South America (RIDEPLA). PEM physicians own a unique skillset to provide optimal appropriate and efficient care to acutely ill and injured children in the dynamic, multi-tasking and often overcrowded environment of the Emergency Department (ED). In this setting the few children with serious conditions blend within the great majority of patients presenting with self-limiting illnesses.

Get to know us in 5 minutes



REPEM publications


Current research projects/groups

current research projects/groups



Epidemiology, severity and outcomes of children presenting to emergency departments across Europe during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic,

Coordinator: Ruud G Nijman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Are you willing to contribute to a valuable study and to help increasing our understanding of children presenting to emergency departments in the time of Covid-19?

This interesting and promising research project, the “EPISODES study” (Principal Investigator: R. Nijman, Imperial College London) has been developed in collaboration with the EUSEM and will look to collect paediatric data from emergency departments from across Europe. It will focus on how the patterns of presenting problems of children in the ED, and how the delivery of emergency care to the paediatric population have been influenced by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

This is a great opportunity for you to participate in an international research group. You will be asked to provide anonymous, retrospective, and aggregated data for your institution and to complete a survey detailing your local health care delivery.

You can find more details and the description of the study here.

Please get in touch for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shiver: Studies in cHIldren with feVER,

Coordinator: Rianne Oostenbrink (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




EM Day working group

The EM Day working group is in charge of orchestrating the annual Emergency Medicine Day campaign on 27 May. 


Our mission

Raising awareness about the importance of Emergency Medicine and the need for competent, specialised professionals who can work in organised structures and inclusive systems dedicated to Emergency care.

Reaching a higher level of competence worldwide through the EM Day campaign. In our understanding of competency, inclusivity is a fundamental principle that ensures equal access to emergency care for all individuals, irrespective of their geographical location, ethnic origin, or religious beliefs.


Roberta Petrino

     Luis Castrillo 

 Dr Roberta Petrino     


       Dr Luis Castrillo




Abdo Khoury

Basak Yilmaz

Eevae Tuunainen

Dr Jim Connolly  Dr Abdo Khoury   Dr Basak Yilmaz  Dr Eevae Tuunainen Dr Bulut Demirel  


27 May is The offical day of Emergency Medicine

27 May 1994 was the birth of Emergency Medicine in Europe. A group of visionary people signed the founding act of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, in London. The aim was to build a system model to grant every European citizen a professional, competent and, above all, able to provide a timely response to emergency care.    

The day of Emergency Medicine is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of timely and professional responses to life-threatening conditions. By uniting everyone involved in this field through a collective campaign, we aim to highlight the critical role of emergency medicine in saving lives and preserving health. This is how the idea of celebrating the day of Emergency Medicine was born.



The Emergency Medicine Day campaign aims to bring together the world population and decision-makers and raise awareness about emergency medicine and medical care. 

We believe it is important to raise awareness about the need for well-developed, prepared, and organised emergency medical systems worldwide to increase survival and reduce disability after any urgent or emergent medical situation. 

 To learn more about the EM Day campaign visit our website 



EUSEM Workgroup on Quality & Safety in Emergency Medicine

IMG 20221017 WA0002

about ewqsem

The mission of the EUSEM workgroup on Quality & Safety (Q&S) in Emergency medicine (EWQSEM) is to develop the prinicples for quality and safety in clinical practice for emergency medicine.

The composition of the group including emergency physicians, other specialist healthcare providers, leadership management, leaders and members who dedicate their efforts on the development of Q&S in EM in Europe and help developing countries at the global level.

This group will focus on five domains:

  1. Education and Training in Quality and Safety,
  2. Guidelines and Organization in Quality and Safety,
  3. Leadership in Quality and Safety,
  4. Global Quality and Safety,
  5. Research/Technology Innovation/Big

EWQSEM will collaborate closely with the EUSEM Professional Committee. Together they will collaborate in the development of the International Centre for Excellence in Q&S in EM Healthcare (ICEQS). Other collaborations are foreseen with the European Patient Safety Foundation and International Society of Quality in Healthcare (ISQUA).

The EWQSEM proposes a three-year road map with the following objectives. Each subgroup will define its agenda following the roadmap and achieve the agreed goals.

Please read about the subgroups here:

Education in Q&S

Guidelines and Organization in Q&S 

Research/Technology Innovation/Databases 


Global Health in Q&S

objectives for the next 12 months

  1. EUSEM White Book of Guidelines and Recommendations for Quality and Safety in Emergency Medicine (EWQSEM Guidelines and EWQSEM Leadership subgroups) The book will include the relevant quality indicators that will be implemented in the pre-hospital setting and emergency department (ED). The objective is to include these indicators in the electronic healthcare record. Presentation of the book project at the EUSEM Congress 2022. We expect to achieve this goal in two years. 
  2. Start of the writing of the textbook on Quality and Safety in EM (EWQSEM Education/Training Subroup).  The goal is to share a first draft on October 2023.
  3. Curriculum in Q&S in EM and implementation of the European Course on Quality and Safety in EM (EWQSEM Education/Training Subroup). A curriculum in Q&S in EM will be written and added to the revision of the European Curriculum in EM. This European course on Q&S in EM will be proposed for accreditation to EBEM and UEMS. A yearly program will be set-up during year 1 and the course will run every year.
  4. Starting the collaboration with the International Society of Quality in Healthcare (ISQUA) and the European Patient Safety Foundation (EPSF) (EWQSEM Research Subgroup). A Memorandum of Understanding is in process to be signed by the societies boards. A joint scientific session will be set-up with ISQUA.
  5. Proposal of scientific sessions during the EUSEM congresses (EWQSEM Research Subgroup). Two session of five lectures organised as round tables and distributed among the subgroups will be proposed. The objective will be to set-up this session at yearly EUSEM congresses. We will invite experts from the International Society of Quality in Healthcare for joint sessions in up-coming congresses.
  6. European Multicenter study on the association between emergency department length of stay and adverse events, and mortality (EWQSEM Research Subroup). The project is already written and a pilot study will be done through the EUSEM Research committee. It is planned to expand the study globally through international groups. A EU Research Council proposal will be planned with the aim to secure a FP7 grant support. Grants will help the EWQSEM to set up international research studies.
  7. European Survey on Q&S (EWQSEM Research Subroup). The project is to get a descriptive picture on what is going in Q&S in Europe. A questionnaire will be send to all European national EM societies to support EWQSEM in getting data. Results of this study will be submitted to the European Journal of Emergency Medicine under the name of the group and European national societies.

Other activities 

The group has led a scientific session during the EUSEM Berlin congress in October 2022:
1- Definition and concepts on Quality and Safety: Abdelouahab Bellou
2- Overview on quality and safety in EM in Europe: Eric Revue
3- European Quality indicators in EM: Kelly Janssens
4- Impact of Time on quality and safety in the ED: Zoubir Boudi
5- Discussion with delegates


EWQSEM - Education in Q&S

Education in Q&S

The principal goal of EWQSEM is to implement educational programmes on Q&S for doctors and non-doctor professionals involved in EM. Educational events will be planned during the year.

  • To propose a curriculum on Q&S that will be included in the European EM Curriculum.
  • To be involved in the International Fellowship in Q&S in EM and the International Master of Sciences in Q&S in EM.
  • To write a collaborative textbook on Q&S in Emergency Medicine. The chair of the EWQSEM will propose an outline of the book and is in negotiation with publishers regarding publication of the book.
  • To organize sessions (State of the Art and Clinical questions) on Q&S during the EUSEM congresses.
  • To be involved in joint sessions during the ISQUA congresses.
  • Specific 2-day event focused on Q&S in EM organized during the year. This event will be named EWQSEM /ISQUA Summit.
  • To be involved in the three days of scientific sessions of the Global Network in Emergency Medicine (GNEM) held during the yearly International Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Conference in Dubai.


EWQSEM - Guidelines and Organisation Q&S

Guidelines and Organisation Q&S

The aims of the group are:

  • To review existing guidelines specifically related to Q&S in pre-hospital care and EDs. These guidelines should be available on the webpage of the EWQSEM. We should ask the European Emergency Medicine National Societies regarding their projects in improving Q&S. The EUSEM White Book on Q&S in EM will be written involving national societies.
  • To list new guidelines that should be proposed and to prioritize one new guideline every two or three years. A task force should be defined including experts in EM and quality and safety to write and update guidelines. The group will write the EUSEM White Book for Quality and Safety in EM.
  • To propose collaborative Audits, focused on Q&S to help EDs implementing Q&S.


EWQSEM - Research/Technology Innovation/Databases 

Research/Technology Innovation/Databases 

The working group will implement a vision and a strategy for developing Research in Q&S in EM.

  1. The first study will be a survey in Europe describing Q&S in EM settings. This study will be done through National Societies of EUSEM.
  2. The second project is an international multicenter study on the association between EDLOS and negative outcomes (mortality and adverse events) supported by the EUSEM Research Committee in collaboration with ISQUA and EPSF. 


EWQSEM - Leadership


The subgroup will have the task to develop the concept of leadership in Q&S allowing continuous quality improvement. Members will be involved in writing the chapter of Leadership in the textbook on Q&S and the EWQSEM White book


EWQSEM - Global health in Q&S

Global Health in Q&S

The goal of this subgroup is to establish a global health program focused on the development of Q&S in EM in developing countries. The subgroup will collaborate with other EWQSEM subgroups to implement all domains related to Q&S. The collaboration with ISQUA at the global level will strengthen.

The subgroup will be involved in joint sessions in the Critical Care and Global Emergency Medicine Conference held in Dubai  and the ISQUA conference every year.