Super User

Super User

The EUSEM Professional Committee has redefined the definition of Emergency Medicine in Europe.

Emergency Medicine is a primary specialty established using the knowledge and skills required for the prevention1 diagnosis and management2 of urgent and emergency aspects of illness and injury, affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders.

This includes organizing the proper medical response for patients looking for urgent medical care.

Time and timing in this setting may be critical either from a medical or from the patient’s point of view.

The practice of Emergency Medicine3 encompasses the in-hospital as well as out-of-hospital4 triage, resuscitation, initial assessment, telemedicine and the management of undifferentiated urgent and emergency patients until discharge or transfer to the care of another health care professional.

1 Prevention: also includes injury prevention, preparedness for disaster, as well as public health education.

2 Management encompasses the local service organization as well as the development of systems to provide EM care.

3 Primarily hospital-based
4 This applies to out-of-hospital emergency care, disasters and includes other urgent medical care systems outside hospitals.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 20:31

Research Committee

Research in Emergency Medicine is a challenging task. The EUSEM Research Committee is committed to promoting and conducting high-quality research through

  • EUSEM Research Projects
  • Collaborative Projects
  • EUSEM working groups

EUSEM Research Projects

The EUSEM Research Committee aims to create a network of research centres which will have a core workforce able to produce research projects that meet the expectations of EU agencies.

The following initiatives are recommended:

  • An annual research project decided upon at the annual EUSEM congress and completed within one or two years
  • Funding applications for the selected project should be submitted to national and European research agencies and companies.

Ideal topics for the EUSEM research programme should be questions of high priority and clinical interest for Emergency Medicine which will benefit from designs using multicentre studies with a great variety of participating centres and large patient numbers.

Some possible research topics for discussion:

  • Severe trauma registries
  • Cardiac arrest registries
  • Benchmark methodology in the ED and EMS
  • Syncope registry
  • Use of clinical scores at EU level

Multicenter clinical questions of importance that need simple interventions, but large number of patients:

  • Should we use oxygen with bag-valve mask ventilation in out of hospital cardiac arrest?
  • Should we give oxygen for patients with chest pain, NSTEMI or STEMI?
  • Optimal analgesic use for common problems (chest pain, musculoskeletal pain, etc.)?
  • Optimal timing of antibiotics in sepsis
  • Optimal type and volume of fluids for rehydration of gastroenteritis
  • Optimal type and volume of fluids in sepsis

Collaborative Projects

Collaborative Projects are research projects which require partners. The EUSEM Research Committee aims to facilitate the search for partners and supports all participants.

The Committee welcomes proposals for collaborative projects. Initially, a brief description of the proposed project and a brief resume of the principal investigator should be submitted.

Working Groups

The EUSEM Research Committee aims to gather groups of experts into Working Groups. These Groups will be supported by EUSEM in their research activities.

The research committee welcomes proposals for Working Groups. Initially, a brief description of the objectives of the proposed Group and a brief resume of the principal investigator should be submitted.

For further details or to submit proposals for research projects or interest groups, please contact EUSEM office at:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you want to join a Working Group, please contact EUSEM office to apply to join any working group. To be eligible to join a WG you must be a EUSEM member. To apply for EUSEM membership, please click here.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 20:23

Professional Committee

Mission Statement

  • Assessment of the state of emergency care in European countries
  • Promotion and support of the development of Emergency Medicine (EM) as a primary specialty, including national and European policy level
  • Career development of emergency physicians (excepting continuous education, which is dealt with by the Educational Committee)
  • Support of professional health and job satisfaction
  • Liaison to other EUSEM groups and external organisations regarding professional issues.

Updated definition of Emergency Medicine in Europe

Emergency Medicine is a primary specialty established using the knowledge and skills required for the prevention1 diagnosis and management2 of urgent and emergency aspects of illness and injury, affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders.

This includes organizing the proper medical response for patients looking for urgent medical care.

Time and timing in this setting may be critical either from a medical or from the patient’s point of view.

The practice of Emergency Medicine3 encompasses the in-hospital as well as out-of-hospital4 triage, resuscitation, initial assessment, telemedicine and the management of undifferentiated urgent and emergency patients until discharge or transfer to the care of another health care professional.

1 Prevention: also includes injury prevention, preparedness for disaster, as well as public health education.

2 Management encompasses the local service organization as well as the development of systems to provide EM care.

3 Primarily hospital-based

4 This applies to out-of-hospital emergency care, disasters and includes other urgent medical care systems outside hospitals.


Chair of the Professional Committee: Dr. Jan Stroobants


Wednesday, 15 November 2017 19:57

Ethics Committee


To coordinate the ethics-related activities of the Society.


  •  Increasing awareness among EUSEM members and emergency physicians in Europe on ethical issues as they apply to the practice of Emergency Medicine; 
  •  Assisting members addressing dynamic ethical issues that confront the practice of EM by:


  • serving as an educational resource

  • developing content for use in educational programs

  •  helping in the development of the curriculum regarding the teaching of ethics

  •  overseeing ethics-related activities which will promote the Society’s standards of ethical conduct


  • guidance on approval from hospital ethics committee

  • developing guidelines on the ethics of clinical research and its funding

  • advising on the ethics of authorship, of subjects’ rights on informed consent and publication.


  • identifying ethical issues pertaining to technology and industry.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 19:47

Education Committee

Mission Statements

  • To promote local, frequent, scenario-based Emergency Medicine training in Europe
  • To promote checklists in order to align education with safe and efficient patient care

Training: Why Bother?

Clinical practice is essential but not sufficient to acquire and maintain the skills required of a specialist in Emergency Medicine (EM). Frequent training sessions are also essential. The aims of these sessions are to complement clinical practice by:

  • focusing on the recognition and management of serious, time-critical conditions that rarely present to the Emergency Department
  • practising procedures that are seldom performed in the emergency room
  • highlighting the results of new studies and the latest guidelines
  • discussing the links between symptoms, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic principles, ethics and logistics in order to develop the ability to solve new situations based on analogy
  • providing a forum to discuss complicated work-related situations and share strategies

Local Training

“Local” training refers to training sessions held locally and run by physicians belonging to local emergency programs. Local training is advantageous in several regards:

  • it minimizes transportation time and expenses and makes short, regular training sessions feasible
  • it provides a forum for reflection on and development of local practice, and facilitates the integration of education with clinical practice
  • it hones the teaching skills of local residents and specialists
  • it provides a forum where physicians in the program regularly meet

Constructive Alignment

EUSEM’s Education Committee wishes to promote the pedagogical model Constructive Alignment [1, 2] as a model well suited for EM training.  Constructive Alignment emphasizes:

  • engaging participants in learning activities (instead of having them listen to lectures)
  • aligning learning activities with the objective (the ability to deliver quality clinical care within the realm of EM) and with assessments (e.g. the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine)


A checklist is “an organized tool that outlines criteria of consideration for a particular process” [3].  Checklists are used in many industries to promote safety and efficiency [4].  Checklists are being increasingly used in medicine, and there are theoretical grounds to argue that checklists may promote safe and efficient care within the realm of EM.  Checklists may also be used as educational tools in order to align education with clinical practice and examinations, and give feedback during training sessions.


In light of our mission statements and material presented above, our strategies are as follows:

  • To provide on-line educational resources including checklists, a data-base of scenarios, links to educational resources and a model of scenario-based EM resident training (some of this material is currently available at
  • To deliver of a one-day EBEEM Part B preparation course twice a year.
  • To network with the EM community during the yearly EUSEM congress, other conferences, courses and meetings in order to inventory educational needs and resources and facilitate educational endeavours in Europe.

Gregor Prosen;

  1. Biggs, J., Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment. Higher Education, 1996. 32: p. 347-364.
  2. Biggs, J., Constructing learning by aligning teaching: constructive alignment, in Teaching for quality learning at university2003, Open University Press/Society for Research into Higher Education: Buckingham. p. 11-33.
  3. Hales, B., et al., Development of medical checklists for improved quality of patient care. Int J Qual Health Care, 2008. 20(1): p. 22-30.
  4. Gawande, A., The checklist manifesto : how to get things right2010, New York, N.Y., London: Metropolitan Books, Profile Books.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 19:42

Young EM Doctors Section

Are you a young and enthusiastic Emergency Medicine professional?

Our vision

 Since EUSEM's foundation, European Emergency Medicine has undergone significant improvements.

 Residents are not only the future of the organization but also of the entire specialty. Their involvement is of paramount importance in shaping the future of Emergency Medicine. Together, we have the potential to take the lead and make significant progress!

our Mission

To improve contact between European EM residents and EUSEM; to promote research among European EM residents; to improve European EM resident training; to improve contact between European EM residents among Federation members; to advocate the recognition of EM as a basic specialty in European countries where this is not yet the case.


1. EUSEM Young Doctors fellowship
See here for details: YEMD Fellowship 

2. YEMD Refresher Courses

Every year several Refresher Courses are organised on different locations in Europe.
Updates are available here

3. YEMD track at the annual EUSEM Congress

Together with the Scientific Committee providing an opportunity for young EM doctors to be speakers at the EUSEM Congress.
The YEMD board consults the YEMD members on topics of interest to the young doctors.  

4. YEMD speed networking at the annual EUSEM congress 

Goals and Objectives

As a Young EM Doctors Section we would like to concentrate on the following goals and objectives:

1. Address the needs of EM residents

By having a representative in the EUSEM Council, we will improve contact between European EM residents and EUSEM. In this way EM residents will be able to present their views and concerns directly to the EUSEM Council.

2. Aid optimizing the specialist education in EM in Europe

European EM residents are at the centre of the EM curriculum. They are thus in a key position to help evaluate and improve the curriculum.
In the future, section representatives could help further develop the EM resident path at EUSEM congresses. EM residents should be motivated to participate in these congresses.

3. Promote genuine research among EM residents to enhance our scientific foundation

As a strong scientific foundation is crucial for our future, we would make it easier to create projects between different European EM departments by EM residents and give structural help to start this up.

4. Improve relationships and share experience between European EM residents

By creating a network of European EM residents (e.g. in the form of a mailing list) we will be able to improve relationships by making it easier to have contact with each other and share experiences.
During EUSEM and MEMC congresses, informal meetings will be created to improve networking between EM residents.

5. Advocate the recognition of EM as a basic specialty where this is not yet the case

Become an advocate for the recognition of EM as a new medical specialty in your European country, e.g. by addressing your national government. By various projects the EM resident section will help you achieve this goal.

Section board

Chair: Djan Meseli
Co-Chair: Isabelle Piazza
Fellowship Lead: Michela Cascio
Education lead: Eugenia Maria Muresan
Congress Track Lead: Anastasia Spartinou




Wednesday, 15 November 2017 16:14

Ultrasound Section

Terms of Reference

The EUSEM Ultrasound Section will work with and under the direction of the EUSEM Executive in achieving the overall aims and objectives of the society.

Role of the Section

The section aims to be truly representative of the scope of Emergency Medicine and more specifically Emergency Ultrasound as practiced in the European Emergency Medicine Community.


In addition to the general objectives of EUSEM, the objectives of this section are:

  1. Develop a European Curriculum for Emergency Ultrasound
  2. Establish guidelines and policies
  3. Provide a forum for discussion of Emergency Ultrasound in Europe
  4. Organize and deliver basic and advanced Ultrasound Courses
  5. Organize focused courses on specific topics (pre-hospital, pediatric, disaster, etc)
  6. Develop Ultrasound-based material for the European Exam
  7. Support US training in limited resources countries or countries without an established US training program by organizing local courses
  8. Promote and co-ordinate research throughout Europe in Emergency Ultrasound
  9. Establish partnership with other worldwide recognized POCUS networks/groups/societies, in order to expand US education and training in a unified international format
  10. US Courses accreditation

The Ultrasound Section will work within the regulations and bylaws of EUSEM. It will send an annual report to the EUSEM Council as well as a plan of activity for the following year.

Our planned activities for 2022 are:

  1. Development of the European US Curriculum
  2. Organize basic and advanced courses
  3. 2 webinars in collaboration with WINFOCUS (April-May 2022)
  4. Support Ukrainian colleagues on POCUS topics remotely


The annual meeting of the section will be held during the annual EUSEM congress. Tele-meetings will be organized during the year if required.

Membership of Section

All members of the Section must be current EUSEM members and annually renew their membership while being a member of the US Section.

In order to represent European Emergency Medicine, the Section will have at least one person from each country that is allied to EUSEM.

All members of the Ultrasound Section will have voting rights in electing a smaller Executive Group. The wider group will be involved in discussions and developments and be encouraged to contribute to all aspects of the areas they have experience in.

Executive Group

This group will consist of at least six members: Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Research Director, Educational Director and Secretary.

The President of EUSEM will be an ex-officio member.

This group, along with the Chair, will be subject to re-election every three years.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 15:43

Pre-hospital Section


Pre-hospital emergency care is an integral part of emergency medicine and is extremely important as a first link in the chain of survival.

It should be available for all European citizens without any administrative or other barriers.

Pre-hospital emergency care demands specific scope of knowledge and skills from providers based on excellent knowledge and experience from work in Emergency Deaprtments as a clinical base of EM.

Despite different approaches within European countries the EUSEM Pre-hospital Section would like to develop pre-hospital emegency care and ensure the highest quality of performance all over Europe.

Our general goals are:

  • to discuss standards of management of medical conditions, diseases and traumas in the field
  • to improve quality of providing care including communication, team leadership and ethical considerations specific for pre-hospital care
  • to improve mutual knowledge of different systems of providing pre-hospital care and discuss their advantages, drawbacks, effectivity and safety for the patiens and communities
  • to develop specific education and training of providers of different levels including physicians
  • to implement pre-hospital topics into European EM examination
  • to develop research in the pre-hospital field
  • to join the preventive campaigns towards public themes, including teaching first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma prevention and others
  • to share knowledge between European countries

Accomplished Activities 2019

1. Prepare and send the proposals for the Scientific Program of 2019 EUSEM Congress:
First track: Pre-hospital intervention in special circumstances

  • avalanche/ mountains- Peter Paal
  • sea and islands area - Vitor Portugal
  • remote area vs city center - Diana

Second track: 

  • Technology dedicated to simulation in prehospital- Eric Revue
  • New Ethial challenges in pre-hospital EM – Jana Seblova 

2. Emergency Ultrasound Course- Iasi, Romania, 21-23 March 2019: organize & prepare the program, the venue, faculty (40 candidates)
3. Pre-hospital section meeting during the EUSEM Congress Prague – Sunday, 13 October. 
4. Partcipation Scientific Program for South East European Congress, Istanbul, 20-22 June 2019
5. Participation to the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Increased the number of the members of the section, including nurses, paramedics

Objectives for Next Five Years

1. Set-up a Survey relevant for Pre-hospital section and the results to be present during the next meeting, maybe prepare an article for publication in EJEM
2. Recruit new members for Pre-Hospital Section by sending  a letter to the National Society
3. Organize and put in place the next course together with Ultrasound section, in 2020
4. Prepare and support the proposal for Scientific Program for 2020 Congress
5. Prepare and submit pre-hospital topics for the Scientific Committee for the next South East European Congress 2020
6. Work together with Co-Chair  Eric Revue: Pre Congress course with a simulation training program on damage control in pre-hospital condition and management of multiple victims in the ED.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 15:00

Paediatric Branch

Check out the paediatric update to see the latest news from the branch: Click on this link


EUSEP Chair elections

All EUSEP members will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the management of our society this year 2024, as we prepare to elect a new chair.

If you possess the necessary knowledge, leadership skills, energy, and time for this position, we encourage you to submit your application promptly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 31, 2024. After this date, the election will be conducted virtually via EUSEM's website, and the results will be announced at the EUSEM Congress in Copenhagen.

The conditions of the application and the description of the different positions can be found in the Internal Regulations of EUSEM. Follow the link to access the document


Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) links the specialties of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine. In Europe, PEM is still regarded as a new medical profession. The EUSEM PEM Section was established in October 2006 with the goal of encouraging physicians who are practicing Emergency Pediatrics to join EUSEM and to be involved in its clinical, educational, and research activities.

Mission Statement

To promote and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and quality of care in PEM in Europe through meetings, courses, research, publications, policy statements, and by producing clinical guidelines and other activities.


  • To advocate for children and emergency care
  • To promote international collaboration between physicians who practice PEM and the various European Paediatric Emergency societies
  • To enhance the relationship between adult and paediatric EM


  • To encourage physicians who practice PEM to participate in EUSEM activities
  • To be fully responsible for the academic programme of the paediatric sessions in the annual EUSEM meetings/congresses
  • To initiate educational activities in PEM through courses, projects, and various clinical activities.


If you want to be involved we recommend you to become a EUSEM member. 

For further information and to express interest in joining the PEM Section, please contact the Section Chair:

Dr Itai Shavit

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Executive committee


Chair: Itai Shavit (Israel)

Zsolt Bognar, Hungary, 2021-2023

Luigi Titomanlio, France, 2019-2021

Niccolò Parri, Italy 2017-2019

Ian Maconochie, UK 2014-2017

Javier Benito Fernandez, Spain 2012-2014

Yehezkel Waisman, Israel 2006-2012

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 08:31

Past Congresses

flag spain

2023: Barcelona, Spain

The European Emergency Medicine Congress

flag of germany 2022: Berlin, Germany

The European Emergency Medicine Congress
Flag Portugal

2021: Lisbon, Portugal

The European Emergency Medicine Congress

1903 medium

2020: EUSEM virtual

The European Emergency Medicine Congress

flag of czech republic

2019: Prague, Czech Republic

13th European Congress on Emergency Medicine
scottish flag

2018: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

12th  European Congress on Emergency Medicine
flag of greece

2017: Athens, Greece

11th European Congress on Emergency Medicine

2016: Vienna, Austria

10th European Congress on Emergency Medicine

2015: Torino, Italy

9th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with SIMEU

2014: Amsterdam, Netherlands

8th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with NVSHA

2013: Marseille, France

7th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2012: Antalya, Turkey

7th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with EPAT

2011: Kos, Greece

6th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2010: Stockholm, Sweden

6th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with SweSEM

2009: Valencia, Spain

5th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2008: Munich, Germany

5th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with DGINA

2007: Sorrento, Italy

4th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2006: Crete, Greece

4th European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with the Anaesthesiology Department of the University of Crete, Greece

2005: Nice, France

3rd Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2005: Leuven, Belgium

3rd European Congress on Emergency Medicine in association with the BeSEDiM

2004: Prague, Czech Republic

European Society for Emergency Medicine 10th Anniversary Symposium

2003: Sitges, Spain

2nd Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2002: Portoroz, Slovenia

2nd European Congress on Emergency Medicine

2001: Stresa, Italy

1st Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress in collaboration with AAEM

2000: Wroclaw, Poland

Eastern European Conference on Emergency Medicine

1998: San Marino

1st European Congress on Emergency Medicine

1996: Mainz, Germany

Working afternoon during WADEM Congress

1994: Inaugural Meeting

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