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Wednesday, 08 November 2017 13:59


Albanian Society of Emergency Medicine

Shoqata Shqiptare e Urgjencës Mjekësore - SH.U.M.

Date of origin: 1 January 2013

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 13:50

National Societies

EUSEM welcomes and invites all European national societies/associations of Emergency Medicine to join EUSEM as National Society Members.

Membership is available to societies within the geographic borders of Europe (and including Israel) and which are devoted solely to the promotion and development of the specialty of Emergency Medicine. The society must be nationwide and endorse the aims and principles of EUSEM and its Policy Statement on Emergency Medicine in Europe.

National society membership fees are based on the number of medical members of the national society (€2,00 per member). All National Society Members are eligible to have a representative on the EUSEM Council. Further details are available from the EUSEM Office.

EUSEM expects National Society Members to:

  • keep their members abreast of developments within EUSEM
  • promote EUSEM’s goals and objectives
  • encourage their members to become full EUSEM members
  • supply EUSEM with an annual report on the developments of the national society and the status of EM in their country.


Members of National Societies are welcome to become affiliate members of EUSEM.

To apply for National Society Membership, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 10:24

Dr Niccolo Parri

VICE- President
Wednesday, 08 November 2017 10:21

Prof Christoph Dodt

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 10:07

Prof Marc Sabbe

Chairperson of fellowship committee
Wednesday, 08 November 2017 09:45

What is EM?

Emergency Medicine is a primary specialty established using the knowledge and skills required for the prevention1 , diagnosis and management2 of urgent and emergency aspects of illness and injury, affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders.

This includes organizing the proper medical response for patients looking for urgent medical care.

Time and timing in this setting may be critical either from a medical or from the patient’s point of view.

The practice of Emergency Medicine3 encompasses the in-hospital as well as out-of-hospital4 triage, resuscitation, initial assessment, telemedicine and the management of undifferentiated urgent and emergency patients until discharge or transfer to the care of another health care professional.

1 Prevention: also includes injury prevention, preparedness for disaster, as well as public health education.

2 Management encompasses the local service organization as well as the development of systems to provide EM care.

3 Primarily hospital-based
4 This applies to out-of-hospital emergency care, disasters and includes other urgent medical care systems outside hospitals.

Status of EM

Europe encompasses not only fifty or more different languages and cultures, but also a similar number of different systems of health care and medical practice. Each country has different medical traditions, different systems of professional registration and differing lists of medical specialties. This latter problem has been addressed in part by the European Union and, in particular, by the Department or Directorate-General which deals with the Internal Market and which includes the mutual recognition of diplomas and other free movement issues. The relevant EU Directive for medical qualifications is known as the ‘Doctors’ Directive’ and was first issued as 1993/16/EC, but most recently updated as 2005/36/EC (January 2019).

The Directive requires that the period of training for Emergency Medicine should be a minimum of five years and many EU countries have now recognized Emergency Medicine as a primary specialty with these training requirements. Emergency Medicine also exists in several countries as a supra-specialty.

Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC included 16 countries with the specially of emergency medicine, with a minimum of 5 years program. Not included in the list Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Holland, Austria, Portugal.

See complete list of EM as primary specialty and number of training years per country here.

Several of the remaining EU countries are making significant progress towards recognition of the specialty, but it can be a slow and arduous journey! Nonetheless, there has been a very significant increase in the recognition of Emergency Medicine as a primary specialty in Europe during the last decade and this is in line with the rest of the world where there is similar growth in recognition of the specialty.


Tuesday, 07 November 2017 20:41

EUSEM Membership

We invite you to join the growing community of those committed to promoting and improving Emergency Medicine in Europe.

Click HERE to read the brochure where you will find an overview of the society and learn about the benefits for members. 

10 Good reasons to become an EUSEM member

1. Become closely involved in the development of the specialty of Emergency Medicine in Europe

2. Become part of the well established EUSEM network, stay informed and get the chance to be in contact with specialists from all over the world

3. Discounts on registration fees at EUSEM congresses and other events proposed by EUSEM

4. Reduced fees for participation in EUSEM training courses

5. Reduced fees when you apply for EBEEM (European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine)

6. Free access to EUSEM Academy, EUSEM's e-learning platform 

7. Free access to selected posters and presentations, available after the live congress 

8. Annual online subscription to the European Journal of Emergency Medicine, depending on the chosen membership

9. Participation in EUSEM scientific activities, including the Research Network and positions in Sections and Working groups

10. Get the opportunity to participate in the Fellowship programme


Apply for membership!


The individual members of EUSEM’ s National Society Members are invited to join EUSEM as ‘affiliate member’ free of charge. By giving consent to your society to share your data with EUSEM, you can benefit from this membership type. A great benefit is that you receive specific news about EM developments and you will also receive a discount to the EUSEM Congress. Read more

Tuesday, 07 November 2017 20:10

Officers and council

The Officers of EUSEM are:

  • President
  • President-Elect or the Immediate Past-President
  • Vice-Presidents (2)
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer

The Executive Committee of EUSEM consists of:

  • Officers of the Society
  • Editor of the European Journal of Emergency Medicine (ex-officio)
  • Chair of the UEMS Section of Emergency Medicine (ex-officio)
  • Chair of the EUSEM Congress Organising Committee (ex-officio)
  • Chair of the EUSEM Education Committee (ex-officio)
  • Representative of the YEMD Section (ex-officio)

The Council of EUSEM consists of:

  • Executive Committee
  • 1 representative of each National Society Member of EUSEM
  • Chairs of Sections and Committees
  • Co-opted members
  • Invited members

Download list of Council Members

Tuesday, 07 November 2017 20:10

History and Statutes

The European Society for Emergency Medicine was inaugurated in May 1994 during an international emergency medicine conference in London by a multidisciplinary group of experts in emergency medicine which became known as the Club of Leuven.

The Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure will be posted here shortly.

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